


Here is presented a general account of the fictional history of Osyrhia, a world created so it could help carry the music of Fairyland through cohesive lyrics. After years of working on this concept, it turns out the music carried the story instead.

All of the following tales are recorded as told by the people of Osyrhia through lore, books, oral tradition, songs...They may not all reflect the full reality of this small, peculiar world, but some of them may be true, while others might be exaggerated, or completely made-up. A portion of those tales is part of a larger Legendarium, where mythology meets reality, and it will be explored further. I will leave it up to you, the reader, to decide what is true, or what you wish to be true.

The present text is an overall compendium, and many details have to be fleshed out in individual stories. These will be my next tasks once I'm satisfied with what has been written so far.

This concept has been in the works since 2001, before the release of Fairyland's first album "Of Wars in Osyrhia". The music was already composed but we needed a narrative support for the lyrics, so I created a basic story to go along

with the album. Then, as I was working on our second album, "The Fall of an Empire", I decided to go deeper into the origins of this world, which was as mysterious to me then as it might be to you now. This process helped me create a somewhat greater narrative, now filled with different races, lands, languages, gods, and of course Osyrhia Herself.

And as I am working on polishing this text, more ideas come up and will be committed to paper (or word processor in this case). The Osyrhian language is also starting to take good form, and its linguistic elements are rather... interesting. A short lexicon will be included in the appendix. At first, I didn't intend to create any kind of language specific to the concept. But on Fairyland's first album, I inserted a small passage in "vulgar" ancient Egyptian and liked the idea. Then, on the second album, I wrote an outro in a new language that, although gibberish at the time, showed some promises for phonetics, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. From then on, I've been working more and more on this Speech of the Land, or Moryän (mor=land, yän=speech) , as well as its corrupt derivative, Felyän (again, fel=dark, yän=speech), and it's been tremendous fun. Incidentally, the word for speech, yän, was inspired by a good friend, Yann, or Yanouche, who is very sweet but just can't stop talking, at every hour of day and night. At first I was thinking of making it mean “headache”...

This work is, at least to me, a living book, an adventure on a grand scale, and a journey of the mind.

I couldn't have gone on this journey without the help of the wonderful written works of J.R.R. Tolkien (and his son Christopher), Sir Terry Pratchett, Dan Simmons and many more, or by the visual and emotional roller-coasters that were the movies of my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

As for the music that stems from this work, nothing would have been possible without Willdric Lievin, who was and still is a driving force behind Fairyland, through his enthusiasm, his musical knowledge, his technical abilities and, most of all, his undying friendship.

I should also take this opportunity to give eternal thanks to my wife Alicja, who has supported me through all those years, provided when I was in times of need, cared for me when I was injured, and gave me her unconditional love, which I gladly return.

Philippe Giordana, October 26st 2021.


ÄNAN ALIA An Unfinished Tale

The Age of None

In the beginning, there was nothing.

Not even darkness, for darkness would have been something already.

The lights of Solan were yet to shine in the firmament of the Gods, and no sound was heard.

Then the Note softly rose, soaring through the Void.

When it reached its peak, it turned into a thunderous chord and a sudden explosion of light filled the universe.

The shock-wave folded the planes of space and time, spreading like a fierce ripple on a calm lake.

Then, in the time of a heartbeat, it collapsed onto itself to give birth to a new world, just a mere ball of rock drifting in the newly-born darkness, but with a consciousness of its


This particular mind had no name, but it was given many by the races it later hosted.

The most famous of them all, the one that survived through millennia of an eventful history, was Osyrhia.

It was said the Gods gave Her this name, and it was the one most used by Her people. Are Deria, Parïsa, Assä, Nofereï, and Alüende were some of the other names She was given. Shining Guide, Dawn, Forever, Beautiful, Eternal, as would be translated in our language.

For She was now born and conscious, She dreamed a Dream, one that was full of splendor, high deeds, and beautiful themes.

And for the forthcoming of her wishes she uttered:

-"Etÿ." (It Is)

Thus She gave birth to the Seven Gods, the essence of Her essence, and they would fulfill Her craving for life and beauty, bringing into existence the seeds of things to come.

And as Osyrhia was brought to life, so came to be Fel (or at least it is recalled this way in legends of old). He or She

was the opposite of Osyrhia's spirit, yearning for darkness and loneliness. Scholars still argue that Fel may have been a facet of Osyrhia's mind, while others think it might just be a scapegoat to excuse the frail morals of the wicked. This one is no longer addressed in these tales, unless one wants to explore the doom of Cenos who became their worldly embodiment.

In all this the Gods were created, gifted with talents of Her own choosing, fair in mind and heart yet terrible to behold if they wanted it so. And She gave each a name to complete their individuality.

They were Edoran, Arel, Mirenor, Efael, Solan, Laemnil, and Sirid.

But as this world needed balance, so also in secret were born the Dïases, the opposites of the Gods, striving to undo their counterparts' making. But only six took shape, for Sirid was among all gods the creator of animated life, and the Dïases feared him. It was later said that this dis- incarnate being was Death, and he was named Behmol, working hand in hand with Laemnil's Dïase. The names of these anti-gods were Domnia (storm), Rekio (rot), Anmina (avalanche), Farfar (hurricane), Ansola (eclipse), and Alaïa (abyss).

OSYRHYELEN The Bright Birth

Edoran, The First, said:

-"I shall have this world shine like a pearl, so that She will be unique and of a beauty never seen before. My deed will bring life and wonders yet to be discovered".

With these words he dropped a loving tear on the living rock, which became the seas and waters flowing everlasting over Her.

Mirenor looked at Osyrhia thoughtfully and declared:

-"I will make Her even more unique now, and gift Her with pikes and mounds and plains, and Her glory will reach

higher than ever!".

So he pinched the very heart of the world deep under the seas, and raised the mountains and plains, giving birth to many lakes and rivers. For this he forever became a dear friend to Edoran.

Efael then said:
-"I shall enclose this treasure in a chest of winds, skies and

clouds, to give Her infinite, ever-changing shades".

He gave a gentle blow, which became a magnificent night sky, full of great clouds, although not yet doted with starlight.

Which brought Solan to a thought:

-"This jewel will shine in the ether and know many a night and many a day to add to your ever-changing shades, Efael".

He rubbed his hands together, and from this heat was created a majestic ball of intense fire.

-"I shall call it the Sun, and suspend many alike high in the skies, so that this one will seem brighter than ever".

And thus the Sun and stars were born.

Then came the turn of Laemnil to speak:
-"If this beloved treasure is to change and stay unique, I

will give Her the mightiest changes of all".

So he cut off his left hand, and drove it deep into the heart of the world.

-"It will scratch and clamp and spread, and all on the surface of the world will change in wonderful chaos".

By this, he created the earthquakes, volcanoes, and all that makes the undergrounds and lands move endlessly. Laemnil was mighty in power and terrifying in stature, yet fast in mirth and easy to laughter. Of all the Gods, he was the most enamoured with the Children of Osyrhia, for they reflected to him his own delight in all that was.

By game and gentle defiance, Arel then said:
-"I shall soften the works of your hand, Laemnil, and give

the lands some support to resist your endless torments".

She took a handful of her hair and planted it deep on the slopes of the mountains and over the lands, thus creating the trees and forests and grass and flowers.
This deed brought Laemnil and Arel to always challenge each other, as a brother and sister would in play or in jest, yet knowing that they complemented their respective works.

At last, Sirid proclaimed:

-"I will put the fish under your seas, Edoran; the worms and moles under your grounds, Mirenor; the birds under your skies, Efael; the deer and bears and raccoons under your trees, Arel; the dragons and wyrms in your left hand, Laemnil; and many other living creatures to fill this world".

For these creations Sirid was most revered across all parts of Osyrhia.

What had once been a lifeless rock drifting in darkness was now a magnificent world. It was then that the Gods named Her Osyrhia: “The Shining”, or "The Light". But the time of the seven races hadn’t come yet.

And here ends Äntä, The Age of None.


With their first task complete, the Gods went to a peaceful sleep and left the world as it was. But the lives and forces they had created did not sleep whatsoever, forging the cradle that would later host the Gods' much-awaited children.

And as the Gods were slumbering came the Age of the Giants, Nofelanitä, of beings unheeded by the deities, and taking the world as their own. They built the cities of K’hal Damara and Rhu, of which massive columns and statues could still be seen under the reign of Morick Landeledores and gave birth to many legends and myths. The very existence of this kind had not been dreamed by the spirit of Osyrhia and was the fruit of random turns in the path of evolution. They had no knowledge of the Gods nor any care for the lands they dwelt upon. Multiplying fast, they soon drenched the natural resources of the world and threatened the coming of the Children.

At some point, their recklessness and eager expansion disturbed the equilibrium of Osyrhia. The Spirit of the world was severely wounded by their deeds and could bear the pressure no more.

So, unheeded by the seven Gods She brought cataclysmic

changes, and with them the doom of the Nofelani. They fought back with blind strength in what is recounted as the Giants War, Bel Nofelanië, but the very soul of Osyrhia was determined to host the Children of the Gods at all cost and so unleashed Her terrible force.

The world was different in those days, and the continents were yet to become what they would later be. The waters rose and fell, the seas devoured vast pieces of land, and high plateaus emerged from the troubled flows. The heathen cities were swept away or turned to dust, and the Giants were hidden from the face of the world, and in this turmoil was isolated Dunerande, which was before a part of the Main Land.

For they were not part of the Primal Dream, the Nofelani could not be hosted by Sirid, the bringer of life and ultimate receiver of the souls of the departed. Their spirits were condemned to wander the world until their time would be due.

It is still said that when the Gods awoke from their long sleep, they took pity on this forsaken breed and accepted them as their servants; household deities, legends, and folktales among a vast pantheon later embellished by those to come.

It is speculated, however, that some descendants of this

people still delved hidden from mortal sight in less populated parts of Osyrhia at the time of the Conscious Ones. The great statues and gigantic ruins they left behind held a lot of secrets for the later inhabitants of Osyrhia, and it was foretold that one day the Giants would rise again to bring either hope or grief to all. They were, in essence, the fodder of legends around the world.

An older tale yet tells of the Queen of the Nofelani, Eona as she was called, mortally saddened by the loss of her people and welcomed to the firmament of the Gods. As the last of her children seemingly vanished from the earthly grounds of the Light, she shared seven tears which, under the loving power of Osyrhia, became seven stones of eternal beauty, and these stones would later give hope and unity in times of need.

In all regards Eona became the last God of Osyrhia, but, unlike the Seven, she was from the soil itself, and knew more about the lands than the Gods would ever be able to fathom.

The Age of Awakening

After eons of existence, the spirit of Osyrhia decided that it was time for the Conscious Ones to come to life. The Gods

had been asleep since the end of Creation and the Light instructed them in their dreams, so that when they left their slumber, they all knew the time had come for their children to roam and rule Osyrhia's unconquered lands. The vision She had bestowed upon them was of unequaled beauty, a glimpse of the world soon to be, alive with joy and knowledge. This dream was known in all the tales and songs about Elentä as the “Primal Dream” (Edërmilia). The Gods had all eagerly prepared for this event, and it was going to be their greatest act yet!

The world had changed since the Gods had gone to rest, and Osyrhia's harsh but necessary answer to the Giants' rampage was just a small part of all the things brought about by the natural powers they had put into motion. The world would need some more tending-to, as a delicate garden where life could strive under the ever-watchful hands of a skilled gardener.

They first parted the lands into seven continents: Illundaria, Illundaele, Llendala, The Havenrod, Morken, Dunerande, and Eleandra.

Mirenor and Laemnil raised the mountains that would separate them. Although the Gods went along as brothers and sisters, they didn’t want their children to meet right away, for freewill made their encounter uncertain; the races would discover each others in their own time.

Sirid suggested that each race should have a king or queen, a leader that would guide them toward their destiny. These seven Lords and Ladies, or Edores, were the first to see the Sun rise on Osyrhia, and thus should always be friends to the Gods, in gratitude for this wonderful sight, unless darkness or sorrow took them. They were destined to have long lives, and their wisdom would be passed on to their descendants.

Each God would give these Edores a Guardian Stone, a tear from the Queen of the Giants Eona, that would commemorate the coming of the leaders of this world. The Stones were the link between the Seven Races, a statement that they all came from the same primordial desire for life and knowledge.

Then one day, which was later known as Norinüdelnori, the First Day of Days, the Sun hallowed the Edores' awakening on Osyrhia, as was foreseen by the Gods. It set aflame the horizon at the edge of the Havenrod, sending golden rays of light over the White Mountains.

At this time, in the middle of the Ice Desert came to be a Queen, fairest of all, and the First Born of the Edores; her dark hair as black as the skies afore the Lights of Solan, and her wisdom as bright as his Sun. In her hands was the first Stone.

From her dark, cold slumber, the yet unnamed Edora suddenly felt warmth and light as the Sun dawned, opening her eyes onto this world for the first time. She was laid on the frozen ground yet felt no coldness, for Solan's strength was already within her. And in her awakening the God sent his thoughts unto her, which can be translated as thus:

-Welcome Eldanie, for this will now be your name and it means "Blessed". First to see the rays of the rising Sun, you are the dearest child of all the Gods here on Osyrhia, and we know our love will be carried in your heart for ages to come, as we know yours will be in ours. When the time comes, go forth and lead, for that is your destiny.

From these thoughts was created the common language of Osyrhia, which was then spread to all the other Edores by the power of the Guardian Stones, as each of the Great Ones awoke. Eldanie was the only Edor whose first name had a meaning, the others having been named for the harmonious sound that was dearest to their Gods. Their last names, however, reflected their personalities and duties.

Eldanie Uellë, as she would later be known, was to take mastery of the frozen lands of the Havenrod, and there made her dwellings. Her land and people thrived long before the coming of Cenos, and would be instrumental in his fate, as will be explored later.

Then came the others:

Cebelex Kenran, North Wind, was a gifted one. He was the second-born of the Edores and woke up in twilight, as the high mountains circling his kingdom still blocked the Sun's light in such early hours. Fierce in spirit and body he was, headstrong and stubborn.

For these qualities he was given reign over Morken, in the hope he would guide his people to the Primal Dream and help them overcome their struggles against the harsh conditions they'd have to face.

Letto Arenelo, Bright Gift, was the third of the Edores. His awakening was to the sound of waves crashing on the shore, as he laid naked on a wild beach. He was given dominion over Dunerande, though for a relatively short time as will be explained later, and then departed to rejoin Sirid's dwellings, finally at peace.

Morick Landeledores, Greatest of Kings as he was called, saw his first day in a green field and ruled the central realm of Eleandra. He was a kind and wise man with a true love for Osyrhia, as well as for Her people. He played important parts in the first and second wars against Cenos.

Aldän Mehedelnias, Heart of the Trees, was the Edora of Illundaria, born under mighty oaks. Gentle was her touch on all things alive, and she had much love for Arel and her creations. She ruled over her kingdom as a mother would over her children, and hastened into the hearts of the Illundarians an undying love for everything that grew from the soil.

Thorfax Hasanidhasa, the Swift Horse, as is said in legends, tales, and historical accounts, was a strong adversary of anything that would hinder his people's freedom. In all his deeds and those of his people shone The Light of Osyrhia. His realm was Illundaele, and of this realm he made a stronghold against the forces of Cenos in ages soon to come.

Aiëla Edora Edamor, Queen Under the Land, was the Mistress of all that dwelt over and under the sands of Llendala. She was the keeper of Eloran and later guardian of Eona's Stones for many centuries. During the first age of Morken, Inumorkentä, she bravely fought the enemy. And so did she again when Cenos later returned.

Those Lords and Ladies and Kings and Queens and Leaders, Edores as they were called, had an unlimited life- span so that they could carry the Primal Dream among their people. Of those, only Eldanie was gifted something more, as she was the favorite of the Gods in wisdom and strength, and this will be explained later.

And as time passed, the Edores led their people toward their destiny.

CAELENTÄ The Age of Change

Many generations had come and gone, and the races of Osyrhia still lived stranded in their secluded parcels of tribal land, with neither taste for knowledge nor discovery. They spent their lives feeding, breeding, and sleeping, nothing more. The Children disappointed the Gods, as no greatness was to be seen. Only Eldanie and the Havenrod offered some hope.

Without knowledge, how would they become the magnificent beings the spirit of Osyrhia had revealed in the Primal Dream?

The Gods held a council and came to a conclusion: They were to send an emissary who would guide the Edores and their peoples. This servant was to have a great thirst for knowledge. He was also to be closely related to the Stones, in order to influence all the races in their quest for majesty.

Then the Gods took fragments of the spirits of each race and mixed them together. They also added a part of their own spirits, as well as the thoughts of Osyrhia Herself, and gave the ensuing soul a glimpse of the Primal dream.

For this new being was the gathered essence of all the races and Gods, he was gifted with every talents offered in the Beginning by the spirit of Osyrhia, along with a clear memory of Her primeval self.

Finally he was given a shape, the most fair and seducing to be seen yet. His duty was to seek knowledge and hand it over to the people of Osyrhia, in order to lead them to the ultimate majesty once dreamed by the Gods. He was the one who would seal the races together...

And so he was named Cenos, “the gatherer”...


OSYRHIANTÄ The Age of Light

Cenos eventually appeared upon the lands of Osyrhia one morning, brought to life by the rays of the rising Sun. As he opened his eyes for the first time, all the Edores felt an instant urge to lead their people on a march towards the central land of Eleandra.

None of them knew where this strange urge came from, but they all felt that it was the right thing to do, and that this journey would change their vision of the world as well as their peoples' fates forever. The power of the Guardian Stones was at work.

So the races started the travel that was to lead them to a new light, naked and innocent. The march was hard, but worthwhile.

Along the road came Gerdän, the Great Elk of Siridian, and Lümilia, Raven Mistress of Efaelian, for those were

the Edores of the voiceless multitudes, the ones who would carry to Cenos the unsung pledges of their prides. They had been upon the world before even the Giants of Eona, and held great wisdom unheard heretofore.

Witnesses to great changes and heralds of what was to come, they stood proud when the Gathering finally was ushered. It shall be of no surprise that Sirid took Gerdän as his steed, and Efael chose Lümilia as his eyes and ears, whenever the Gods graced the world with their presence.

Edoran came also in mortal form to represent his sea-bound charge; as did Arel, to be the voice for her silent realm of flowers and trees. To maintain the balance and fairness of the meeting, they did not desire to disclose their true nature, and concealed as commoners they dwelt hither.

The people from The Havenrod had to cross the ice desert that separated their homeland from the eastern mountains of Eleandra.

Guided by Edlanie, they first endured harsh weather and biting winds. But as they moved towards their goal, Solan opened a way through the cold and showed them the right path. The sunlight, suddenly blinding and warm, banned the blizzard and frost, allowing the Havenrodians to continue the venture unharmed.

After their journey back to the Havenrod, it was a very long time before they would travel this far again. Queen Eldanie was at the front at all times, and tried to make sure no soul would be left behind.

The Llendalans, who lived in the fresh caves under the burning sands of the Crimson Desert, were not used to the open air. Therefore their journey was a whole new experience, wearing and cumbersome.

The people from Illundaria and Illundaele had a quieter march, for the southern mountains of Eleandra offered many large passes, which later brought the commerce between these three continents to flourish.

But one of the seven races never made it to the Gathering. The inhabitants of Dunerande, whose homeland was a vast Island to the north-west of Eleandra, were totally isolated from the main continents. They didn’t have any knowledge of seafaring, and therefore were condemned to stay away from the other races. This isolation further led their destiny in a way that no God could have foreseen, as was also the case of many events yet to come...

No race had ever met any of the others before. They all joined at about the same time and the Eleandrians were already gathered around Cenos.

The meeting of different civilizations in the same place could lead to all kinds of tensions and quarrels, but the power of the Stones together with the charisma of Cenos made this first encounter a moment of friendship and brotherhood. Everyone waited for the Dunerandis, but it was a long time before they would meet, in very dire circumstances.

After being introduced to each others, the Edores were instructed by Cenos and sealed a pact of alliance and mutual assistance in their search for knowledge. Together, the people from the six main continents built the foundations of the citadel of Eleandra, which would be a symbol of peace for the generations to come. Cenos guided them in the crafts of architecture and sculpture, engineering... all that was needed to make them thrieve.

When the construction was over, he went on giving them the keys to art, music, agriculture and much-awaited other knowledge needed for the realization of the primal dream.

Then each race retired and went back to its homeland, after sealing a few trading arrangements with the others.

Now that Cenos had planted the seed of knowledge, the races could make their own discoveries and develop their own cultures. His work done, he headed toward the northern coasts of Morken, rich in metals, where he would

build his own city, Eldergrave, and seek for a new knowledge...

De Simiä Adas En Lembremenat

With their new thirst for knowledge and improvement, the people of Osyrhia achieved a high level of culture and

science. The only art that stayed out of their reach was seafaring. The races of the main continents were grieved to be separated from their Dunerandis brothers but, oddly enough, no one could come up with a solution to this problem.

Actually, one being held this knowledge and kept it as secret as possible, for some reasons of his own...


Llendala was the western-most continent of Osyrhia. The Llendalans excavated their capital under the grounds of the Crimson Desert and named it Eloran, “The Sanctuary”. In the coolness of the undergrounds, they built a complex system of clockworks and mirrors to canalize the light and heat of the sun. At the very heart of Eloran stood a large crystal that focused the light reflected by the mirrors. By a subtle system of hydraulics, large panels of steel covered it for twelve hours and released its accumulated light the rest of the time, creating artificial nights and days. The core of the city was surrounded by several miles of forest and fields. The people had channeled the underground rivers surrounding the capital to create an artificial lake which

provided the water needed for the mirrors’ hydraulic system. The underground weather regulation of the capital was probably the most astonishing creation on Osyrhia, and their Queen Aiëla Edora Edamor was the architect of such marvels. For the Sun's light was somewhat dimmed in Eloran, its inhabitants had a pale skin and eyes adapted to the reduced visibility. They were particularly skilled in the arts of sculpture and carving. Proud was Mirenor of the marvels his children had accomplished...


Illundaria was south-east of Eleandra and covered by a deep rainforest, and the Illundarians built their main city in the heart of Dal’Arel, the largest forest of Osyrhia. Dal’Arel was bordered on its east and south limits by the sea and from north to west by a chain of lakes known as the Quadryliats. A wide river, the Colanuta, cut the forest about two thirds from its eastern border, emerging from the heart of Dal’arel to meet the sea in the small bay of Redarcee. The Illundarians were friends to everything that grew from the ground, as was their Queen Aldän Mehedelnias, and were most cherished by Arel. The people of Dal’Arel were tall and slim. Their aptitude for hunting and hiding was only rivaled by their skill in the art of painting. They could extract an infinite variety of colors from the plants

surrounding their capital. Some Illundarians also lived in the plains around Dal’Arel, but never too far from the forest’s border, for theirs hearts belonged to the trees. These “outsiders” had a golden skin and were highly talented in the breeding of new varieties of plants and trees. Their creations were reputed all over Osyrhia and often used as ornaments in the royal gardens over the world...


On the south-western continent, the people of Illundaele lived on the high plateaus overlooked by Mount Mirenor, the highest mountain of Osyrhia. It was a people of nomads whose culture was based on the herding of the meyack, a strong animal raised for its warm skin, soft meat and aptitude to carry heavy charges for long distances. Almost every trader’s caravan around the world had a flock of them. The meyack’s horns were highly prized among musicians for it could create the purest of sounds. The Illundaelian king, Thorfax Hasanidhasa, lived at the foot of Mount Mirenor, where he built the only permanent building of this continent. Once a year, a gathering of all the tribes’ leaders was organized in his longhouse to tighten their links and share the latest news of the kingdom. The people of Illundaele were of a strong constitution, to protect them against the ever blowing winds that swept the plateaus.

Their skin was tanned, due to their constant life in the open air. Their father God was Efael, master of the skies and winds...


Morken, in the north, was a land obstructed by mountains where the Sun barely shone. Its skies were always filled with the clouds retained by its high peaks. A wide yet short river, the Ninog, defiantly ran through the desolated fields known as the Dark Lands, taking birth in the fetid swamps of Hillur’ag and disappearing in the sea, west of the shores of the Dark Lands. Its water was muck and poisoned by the rich metallic grounds where it took its source. The population of Morken mainly dwelt at the feet of the mountains, were the sea met the land. Their king, Cebelex Kenran, lived in Eldergrave, the City built by Cenos on the northern shores. His people were proud to have their king so close to the one that brought knowledge to the world, even if they seldom saw their leader and got news of the kingdom mostly by way of messengers who roamed the land constantly.

They built a very long bridge that allowed them to colonize the island of Kalia, on their west coast. There they could tend to fisheries that dispensed fresh food to the rest of the continent. On the east coast, they had opened a passage to

the isthmus of Duna where they mined copper and iron. The grounds of Morken were full with all kinds of metals, which allowed a flourishing industry but also forbade any sort of agriculture.

This vast amount of metals brought an interesting fact: the North Pole on Osyrhia was not situated at the rotating axe of the planet. Every compass always pointed towards Morken and its high magnetic field. Cartographers have since then always used Morken as the north point of their maps. The real northernmost point of Osyrhia was somewhere over the coasts of the Havenrod, a frozen land which will be described later. The Morkenians had, like the Llendalans, a pale skin due to the lack of sun. They were of a somewhat fragile constitution, although they never got sick. The people of Morken were surely one of the most downtroden races of Osyrhia. Laemnil later was in sorrow for his children, but there was nothing he could do to help them, for they had chosen their destiny.


Many legends at this time were flowing across the main continents about the magnificent people of Dunerande, the great island north-west of the world. They were said to

have the highest technology and to live in perfect harmony with nature. Nobody had ever seen them, and nobody could imagine how wrong they were about the Dunerandis...

As has been already said, the Dunerandis had never met the other races and their hearts hadn’t yet been touched by the light of Cenos. Knowledge wasn’t their priority, and their culture was mainly based on survival. The population was scattered all over the island, and accumulated in small groups which spent most of their time fighting for territory. What has been revealed of Dunerande’s geography is taken from the declarations of the captured Dunerandis in darker times, and is not really relevant to the true nature of this Island. The only kind of technology they were eager to develop was weapons. Their king, Letto Arenelo, had no power on them and lived alone in the swamps that covered the center of Dunerande. He had forgotten about the Gods and been driven to madness by the behavior of his people. They were brutal and interested only in the art of war, an art yet undiscovered by the other races of Osyrhia. Edoran, master of the seas and waters of the world, had long ago reclaimed his Stone. His children were no longer alive to his heart, and he considered them banished from the primal dream. He would only take care of the lives Sirid had offered to the sea as recounted in the Äntä. He hid his Stone in Eloran of Llendala, where it would be safe...


The Havenrod, north-east of Eleandra, was covered by eternal snow. The Ice Desert separated its core, the White Mountains, from the other continents. The people of the Havenrod at this time had only crossed it twice: to join the gathering of the races and to come back. The journey had been extremely difficult and many had died in the cold blizzards that blew constantly over the ice desert. However, a few of them crossed it again later to go and live in Eleandra. Unlike the Dunerandis, the Havenrodians had been touched by the light of Cenos, and their isolation gave birth to a magnificent civilization. They had built their capital, Eldanie, out of the solid ice of a glacier. Its walls shone under the rays of the sun and the City always seemed to be surrounded by an aura of light. The population was totally devoted to its queen, Eldanie Uellë, after whom the capital was named. She was of great beauty and wisdom, and provided her people with love and understanding. The Havenrodians didn’t adapt their bodies to the environment, but instead developed a high skill in the manufacture of clothing and treatment of furs. They hunted the giant white bears that lived further in the mountains, even taming them, and in doing so acquired a lot of experience for combat. Apart from the Dunerandis, they were the first to have an army, whose main goal was to protect the city when the sub-zero winters came and the giant bears were looking for

a warm place to stay. Eldanie Uellë was the only ruler to be so close to her God, Solan. He often appeared to her in the shape of a young man, and he would spend long nights giving her news and advice about the other races. As a reward for the love she gave to his children, Solan offered her the gift of immortality, that she could not be slain or fall to illness, but only depart the world when she so decides.


Eleandra was the central continent where all the races could meet. The vast plains of Siridian, north, and Efaelian, south, covered almost all of it, except in the very far north where a thick chain of mountains known as the Northern Ridges marked the border with Morken, and west of its heart where stood the woods of Lilianath. East and west were circled by the mountains of The Havenrod and Llendala, lower still than the Morkenian chain. The plains were fertile, and the grass always emerald green. The great river Elmerel separated the southern and northern fields of the kingdom. Where it was joined by its tributaries Lanar and Minar, the capital city Eleandra was built. It started with the foundations of the Seven Towers, each representing a continent. The main one was seven-sided, with seven landings, while the other six radiated from it and linked to it by elegant bridges. The city evolved a lot in

a short period of time. Originally, it had consisted of a palace and a large alleyway lined with statues and ornaments, but the arrival of thousands of people each and every day engendered an exponential growth. The richest neighborhoods were all gathered along the main alleyway while the less favored areas tended to cluster on the edges of the city. There were no walls around to protect it at this time, but one was later erected, when the events required it. The travelers from all over Osyrhia where stunned in wonder at the sight of the towers of the capital, for they were rising so high that they could be seen from the furthermost limits of the plains. Eleandra, the capital named after the continent, was a gathering of the cultures of the six main races. Even some Havenrodians had dared to cross the ice desert again to live in this place of culture and knowledge. Eleandra didn’t have an industry of its own, except the Moonforge*, but instead had built its civilization from the combination of all the others. It was a city of studies, researches and science. The main line of thought was the respect for life, and Sirid naturally was the God at the origin of this people. Whenever the kings had to take mutual decisions, they met at the court of Eleandra, which was famed for its paintings, sculptures, music and ornamental gardens. Morick Landeledores was its king...

*See apendix 7

INUMORKENTÄ: The First Age of Morken

Cenos had followed the progress of the races of Osyrhia from the moment they had left the first gathering. His feelings then had been of pride and contentment. He had built his dwelling, Eldergrave, on the north shores of Morken, where he could easily extract the metal needed for his new inventions. But one day came to his court a lady of undisputed beauty, seemingly fair and wise, and she talked

in his ear, her words like poison, and thus he was changed. For unknown to anyone, she was the avatar of Fel and put him on his path to chaos and destruction. As the other civilizations became more and more magnificent, his feelings began to turn into jealousy and envy. When the races created marvels such as the mirrors of Eloran, his inventions seemed frail and empty, as if giving the people of Osyrhia his knowledge had sucked it all out of him. The desire to possess all these wonders was burning in his heart, and the more he craved for it, the more despair took control of his mind. In this task, Fel succeeded.

His thoughts befell him: “I have such strong love of You, Osyrhia, as You were in Your prime, and I won't let You be sullied by the undoing of men. It was foolish of me to grant such knowledge to those who will cause Your doom. For this, I am ever sorry and will try to redress the harm I have brought, whatever needs be done.”

He was now longing to return where he came from, in the kingdom of the Gods who had given him life, and the warm embrace of Osyrhia, whom he loved more than anything else. But he knew that this was impossible, for he had to stay in the world until the primal dream was achieved, and this knowledge put him in a terrible rage. His love for the Gods suddenly turned into wrath, his interest for the races of Osyrhia into loath, and a plan started to build in his mind. Yes, these treasures would all be his, and the arrogant

beings that stole his knowledge would soon be enslaved and serve him for all eternity. Three times he cursed the Gods for the cruel trick they had played on him, and then began the preparations for the achievement of his plan.

His mind had often wandered across Osyrhia, and he had spent a lot of time observing the brutal people that were the Dunerandis. He had until then purposely held the craft of seafaring from the other races, so they wouldn’t be exposed to the danger of meeting the people of Dunerande. In hindsight, this was going to serve him well.

Cebelex, the king of Morken, had been living in Eldergrave since the end of its construction, as a guest of Cenos. He was not so keen on the other races, which had been given better places to live by the Gods. His people were taking their situation with pragmatism, but he couldn’t fathom why his land had been made to be so forlorn. With time, and the help of the depressingly constant clouds and rain, his friendship to the Gods had grown thinner and thinner, until nothing remained but loath. Cenos knew of this resentment and used it as a lever on Cebelex’s mind to bend him to his will.

Asking for a council with Cebelex, Cenos spoke to him in this way:

(see appendix 8)

(Traductions in italic bold are just for amusement. This is rendered in Felyän, or dark speech, where the changes in consonants are marked in red. The green translations bellow are in Moryän, Speech of the Land. Those translations are made at a time long after the Civil war that opposed Arios and his followers to the rest of Osyrhia. The word that was used before “arios” to represent treachery, lies, treason, betrayal, was “Kulë”, a rare occurrence of a hard consonant in an otherwise melodic language. “K” can also be found in “Morken”, Land of the North, and “Tolkiën”, knowledge, which considering Cenos built his city in Morken and was the bringer of knowledge, might give a single root to the use of the letter ).

-Why? Why are we forsaken so?

Ukë? Ukë ao akakia ü? Uke ? Uke ao akakia u ? Unë? Unë ao anania ü? Une ? Une ao anania u ?

-My dear friend, I understand your grief and resentment. I myself have been a victim of the Gods' delusions, and my heart cries with yours. Osyrhia, so dear to us both, has been defiled by the rise of men...

Keh teheata , eh tolkië kè ata k' fel. ' ehkolo abeh o tiker e geleko ariokë, k' teheka lib dej kè. Osyrhia*, dekuteheka, Ë' i arioka ad etek parïko...
Keh teheata , eh tolkië kè ata k' fel. Ë' ehkolo abeh o tiker e geleko ariok, k' teheka lib dej kè. Osyrhia, dekuteheka, Ë' i arioka ad etek parïko...

Neh meheama , eh tolkië nè ata n' fel. ' ehsolo abeh o micer e geleno ariosë, n' mehena lib dej ne. Osyrhia, denumehena, Ë' i ariosa ad emen parïso...
Neh meheama , eh tolkië nè ata n' fel. ehsolo abeh o micer e geleno ariose, n' mehena lib dej né. Osyrhia, denumehena, Ë' i ariosa ad emen parïso...

*Cenos would never defile the name of Osyrhia

At wish point Cebelex interceded:

-My Lord, not all folks of this world are made equal. My grief is for the doom of my people, and I shall do anything necessary to make their lives better.

To this Cenos replied:

-By all means, let me guide you once again, that Morken should strive and you may finally take your rightful place in this world.

And both proclaimed:

-Let it be so!

One day the king called upon his people to assemble at the feet of Eldergrave and there, in front of the bewildered congregation, cursed the Gods and promised doom to all who would stand in his way to retribution. The ground trembled as he said these words, and all knew that Laemnil had abandoned their king. Cenos tried to take possession of Laemnil’s Stone, but the God had reclaimed it already, and hidden it with its Dunerandis sister in the underground realm of Eloran, under the Crimson desert of Llendala. Many Morkenians decided to follow Cebelex out of fear and despair, and those who still had love for the Gods were brutally slaughtered by their former brothers of misery. This was the first act of cruelty ever accomplished by a race of the main continents. Nothing would ever be the same again, and by the will of the Gods, the Angel lost his wings.

Cenos’ plan was simple and efficient: He would have the remaining Morkenians build boats to rally Dunerande. Once there, he would have the Dunerandis submit by charm or by force, and together with the Morkenians, would create an army of invasion to take over Osyrhia. Dunerande, totally isolated, would be a perfect headquarter for his generals, while he would stay in Eldergrave to

supervise the creation of his deadly new weapons. Cebelex, now his most trusted lieutenant, would then lead his army across Osyrhia to bring death and desolation.

So it happened that the Dunerandis, left without a God or a king for hundreds of years, saw one morning a thousand dark shapes on the horizon. The armada of Cenos was approaching the costs of Dunerande at a fast pace. The population was divided in two: those in fear and those in fascination of this mysterious omen. However, when the first boat coasted, all of them flew in the deep forests that bordered the beach. Cenos, taking his most charming appearance, stepped on the wild continent and spoke in a voice not to be resisted.

-“Come to me, oh brave people of Dunerande. The time has come for your great race to meet its destiny. I am the light that guides the lost, and lost you are by the arrogance of those so-called Gods! You were abandoned on this forlorn land and your rights to sovereignty were stolen. South-east of your sea-clad prison, there are lands you wouldn’t have dreamed of, full with wonders of gold and diamond. Follow

me now, and I shall give you the power to destroy your enemies. Forget your puny quarrels and unite to defeat the bastard sons of your nemesis”.

The Dunerandis had a long tradition of war, and these promises, filled with poison as they were, spoke to the darkest part of their hearts. Many of them followed Cenos to Eldergrave while the others stayed on Dunerande as a reserve garrison. Once again the few that resisted were slain by the army of Cenos.

The dark lord had many designs in mind for his fearsome weapons, and all his deadly creations were built in Eldergrave, where metal was found in abundance. By the power of iron and steel, the Dunerandis and the Morkenians were turned into crossbred creatures, half human and half metal. All that remained of their humanity was extorted by means of violence and psychic influence. Many siege towers and catapults were built, and the usually peaceful meyacks were turned into powerful war chargers. From the flesh of the dead, Cebelex raised a battalion of elite warriors, fast and fearless: the Tremors. And then, once his army completed, Cenos appeared on the highest tower of Eldergrave and spoke these words:

-“Osyrhia will soon be ours! These puny kings, servants of our worst enemies will be kneeling before our throne, and we shall hunt the sun until it shines no more. Then, all will fear my name for I am the true master of this world...”

Peace had lasted for 800 years. Now the world was about to know its first war...

GELENORAN: The wind of the Gods

In less than a month, the armies of Cenos had swept the main continents and left only ruins behind them. The towers of Eleandra were under siege, a great part of Dal’Arel burned to ashes and the high plateaus of Illundaele were constantly patrolled by the Tremors in search of the nomad tribes.

It is at this time that Cenos designed his most abject creations: Vatolsolan, the Sun Eater, and Kalliagol, the Bell of Terror.

Vatolsolan had been forged out of the strongest iron available from the depths of Eldergrave. It was a disc whose size was mighty and terrifying. Nothing that big had ever been built before and would ever be built later on Osyrhia. It floated in the air by the sheer forces emerging from the tormented heart of Morken. Right at the center of the citadel of Eldergrave, Cenos had dug a hole so deep it was possible to have a glimpse, when looking at its bottom, of Laemnil’s hand shaking and bringing the rocks to smoldering temperatures. The heat rising from the pit lifted Vatolsolan slowly until it reached the sky and hid the sun from the view of Osyrhia. The lands were then swallowed in darkness, and only the faint light of the stars still shone in the firmament of the Gods. But in the process of its ascension, Vatolsolan endured a lot of strains and eventually split in three large parts. From the cracks left by this process came a soft light that dispensed a few moments of comfort whenever the sun shined through. And for Cenos wanted his enemies to feel most fear and terror, and never know any kind of relief, he created Kalliagol, and now all knew war was at hand.

The Bell of Terror hung on top of the highest tower of Eldergrave, from where Cenos could watch the rise of his reign. It had been forged in dark lead by the newly captured slaves. Many a man died in the enterprise, and their suffering was sucked in by Kalliagol. When it rang the sound of terrible horns came out while all other sounds were sundered, along with a wave of terror and confusion that sunk deeply in the hearts of all men. Despair and hopelessness were the gifts from Cenos to the people of Osyrhia. Every seven hours the bell rang, its toll a dark testimony for anyone trying to face the power of Cenos. Many legends still speak of the frightful silence it bestowed...

Eloran was never found, and the Llendalans were oblivious to the fate of Osyrhia. Their crystal held the now hidden light of the sun and dispensed them with regular days and nights. However, Aiëla Edora Edamor Queen of Llendala had seen a flicker in her Stone and thus sent a messenger to Morick in Eleandra to carry a request for a high council. When no reply came back, she decided to address her father God, Mirenor, and found out what was the cause of this disturbance. The knowledge of her brothers’ and sisters' misery put her in sorrow and rage and from then on she

regularly led squads of archers and swordsmen to harass the legions of Cenos. Her strikes, apparently coming from nowhere and disappearing into the dunes of the crimson desert are renowned as some of the highest deeds of this age. Many Tremors on their way to Illundaria met a most tragic fate. Illundaele was in no part forgotten, for the deeds of their fierce horsemen repelled the forces of Cenos from the South as long as this age endured.

The Havenrod, because of its isolation and climate, stood unharmed.

Eldanie Uellë heard of the war from Solan and asked him to interfere. Her soul was taken to the high council of the Gods, where she was asked to stand for the other races. Cenos, as a divine creation, was also among the council, against his will. The Gods debated about whether or not they shall act in these maters. The reign of Cenos wasn’t a part of the Primal dream, and their implication in the disaster was obvious to all. After all, they had gifted the seven races with Cenos, and his perversion was nothing but a result of their eager determination to fulfill their duty. Cenos, objecting, reminded the Gods that his will was only to have Osyhria return as She was before the coming of mankind, but his words were deemed treacherous and full of lies, and so he was ignored. At this point he left the

council and was deaf and blind to all that followed. So Sirid, father of all living things spoke to Eldanie:

-“You will send a message to the Edores of Osyrhia. When will blow the wind of the Gods, and come the rise of a new age, chaos will be undone, the sun will come back to the view of men and the corrupted spirit of Cenos will be enchained for a thousand years. Then will he know the wrongness of his way and thus fulfill the task he was created for. In these words we augur a better time for all...”

-“And then,” continued Arel, “each one of us, makers of the races of this world, will bind our love and fellowship in the Stones, so that all our children can be protected from evil if it ever rises again...”

At last Laemnil uttered these words:

-“So when Cenos is safely locked away, the Stones will get back to the Edores of Osyrhia? Remember the foolishness of Letto and Cebelex. One wandering in the swamps until his demise, the other the most loyal servant of Cenos. What will happen if the Stones ever get to the dark side? We shall keep them safe, where no mortal hand can behold them!”

-“And yet, we gifted the stones to the glory of mankind. But you are right Laemnil, freewill makes the future unclear, and I predict Osyrhia will know the shrouds of darkness once again before the achievement of the primal dream.Yet let us leave one Stone to our children. And let us send six guardians to keep the power of the other Stones, their very strength sleeping as long as evil will, and when the time will come to unleash their power, we shall send a messenger to find them and lead them to their duty.”

By these words, Arel had sealed the destiny of men. All the Gods honored her wisdom and agreed to give life to a guardian, save Sirid, who had another design. One for each Stone. A Stone for each. The last Guardian would come later to reclaim Eleandra's Jewel, although it was not foreseen at this time, except by the father of all living things.

Eldanie Uellë was sent back to her dwellings, along with the six guardians, the Stones of Lamenil and Dunerande having been secured and one deemed to stay in Eleandra. In the White Mountains they held a council to prepare their travel, and made ready to leave. To ensure a safe arrival to their destination, wherever it was, Eldanie presented them with the Stars of Solan: Six mighty birds of ice and crystal, and their speed was tremendous as they soared in the higher skies.

So the guardians left the White Mountains and started their journey across Osyrhia. They first visited the houses of the faithful Edores to gather their Stones. They were unseen by any man as they had no mortal shape yet. They took all the Stones but one, which was left under the care of Morick in Eleandra, as a remembrance of the Gods. Then they traveled toward Eloran, where the Stones of Morken and Dunerande were already hidden. There they also took the Stone of Eloran, settled with one gem each and fell asleep, waiting for their time; silent statues, motionless yet dreaming. The last Guardian was to meet another fate.

While the guardians were gathering the Stones, the Stars of Solan addressed the Edores of Osyrhia, telling them to keep their hope and faith in the Light. The prospect of the victory soon to come filled their hearts with joy and courage. They left their apathy and began to rise against the oppressors, striking whenever and wherever they could. Those victories didn’t weight much in the balance of power, but certainly contrived to make the children of the Gods raise their heads and stand proud. Even the toll of Kalliagol couldn’t reach their minds as it did before, and the power of Cenos was diminished by this gain of hope. The sunlight sometimes passing through Vatolsolan was no more received as a short comfort, but as a sure sign of the oncoming victory. And when would blow the Wind of the Gods, chaos would indeed be undone...

When the Gods were certain that the power of the Stones was safe and their children aware of things to come they descended on Osyrhia in their true shape, which occurred only once again before the Primal Dream was achieved.

They were mighty in appearance and their sight terrified the armies of Cenos. They came from the east, by the bay of Haldun and over the plains of Siridian, repealing the dark legions in their wake. They gathered over the city of

Eleandra and all could see their majesty. There they held hands and began a song, triumphant and full of their power. The shock wave it generated flowed over Osyrhia, as did the one that created the world, pushing the armies of evil up north, towards Eldergrave.

Cenos felt a maddening pain enter his very soul and fell to his knees. His ships were sunk to the bottom of the sea and the towers of his citadel crumpled under the Wind of the Gods. Kalliagol shattered on the ground and the suffering minds imprisoned in its fabric were expelled and absorbed into the surrounding rocks. The pit at the heart of Eldergrave closed in utter chaos, and so no more sustained Vatolsolan. The great disc fell from its astronomical heights and shattered on the hard grounds of Morken, dispensing a shower of burning metal.

As Cenos and his legions retreated in the caves under the citadel, the largest chunk of Vatolsolan fell to the ground and closed the entrance to their shelter.

All that was left of Eldergrave was a field of ruins and a ground made of dark, molten metal. Under the surface, the song of the Gods filtered and put the armies of Cenos in a millennium-long sleep. The dark lord then sat down, waiting for the judgment of his creators. Fear overcame him, and anxiousness and loath. But the Gods never came and Cenos eventually fell asleep, dreaming of revenge and

power. The echoes of the Song harassed him at first, trying to lead him on the way to redemption, but soon its power was sucked out by the poisoned walls of the grave and Cenos could get back to his vicious dream. This the Gods didn’t know, and would later lead to another period of frightful events. But for now, Inumorkentä, the first age of Morken and first reign of Cenos, was over.

DENOSYRHIANTÄ: The second age of light.

It was said that Cenos brought utter chaos to Osyrhia, and that the Gods interfered, for the good of all humankind. When evil was locked away came an age of peace for the kingdoms of Osyrhia. This age was known as Denosyrhiantä, the Second Age of Light.

Men searched for more knowledge, achieved the skills in

the arts they were destined for and filled the Gods with pride. A citadel was built at the point where the borders of Eleandra, Morken and the Havenrod joined, and it was called Laemnil. From its high towers the Osyrhians could see all the way to the northern shores of Morken and keep an eye on their enemies.

Eleandra became a vast city where all the cultures of Osyrhia were gathered, and it was the core of the Osyrhian civilization. Many pilgrims journeyed there to honor the Gods and see the Stone, symbol of their divine filiations.

Eloran was then very active in its commercial exchanges and even the Havenrod often sent emissaries to get some news from the other kingdoms. There were no official armies, for the people of Osyrhia didn’t feel any kind of menace from each others as the power of Eldergrave was buried deep under the grounds of Morken. In time, the very name of Cenos was forgotten, and only heard in the bards’ songs. At least it was how things were perceived in those early days of rebirth, but later times would come to prove that Cenos was still very much alive in the hearts of many.

The rise of the Osyrhian civilizations brought wonders, but also arrogance and forgetfulness for the deeds of the past. Eldanie held the knowledge of these past and future events but didn’t want to darken the hearts of men, and thus kept those secrets to herself. Also the Gods felt that knowing the

menace would be a barrier for their children on the path to the Primal Dream.

Even so, for she was wise and alert, Daniel asked the kingdoms of Osyrhia to keep at hand a joint battalion of swordsmen that could be summoned if needed. The Edores couldn’t imagine why such an army would be needed, but hadn’t they always followed the counsel of Eldanie Uellë?

So was created the Army of the Light, masters in the art of war. The Army was sent to the citadel of Laemnil, as Eldanie had instructed.

Eventually, after a few generations, the Army of the Light became more of a tradition than an actual military force. No one looked anymore at the wasted lands of Morken and the menace was once and for all forgotten. Osyrhia was now close to the Primal dream and each kingdom could fulfill its needs without the assistance of the others.

The commercial exchanges grew thinner and only a few caravans still brought news to Eleandra from the kingdoms of Illundaria and Illundaele. And as time went by and Osyrhia came closer to the moment when the bounds put on evil would vanish, the relations between the kingdoms started to decline. Morken was a forbidden land that no one was to enter, even though most didn't really know why anymore. Dunerande, still isolated, was soon forgotten and

not even a song spoke of it.


Civil War

During this time of bliss, a few masters of lore started studying ancient texts and tales of the dark years now gone- by, as well as the ages before the fall of Cenos. They printed pamphlets and books resuming the tales of old and distributed them wantonly as a way to educate and entertain those not yet familiar with the history of the world.

Many details were changed and adjusted depending on who did the retelling, in order to fit their personal, political, or philosophical views. Soon the masters of lore saw the financial gain to be had from such ventures, and the huge amount of power they could gather from preying on the minds of the innocents. It may be that such hunger for control over others was a fruit of Cenos' mind still dreaming under the chunks of Vatolsolan and slowly seeping through.

As the world was recovering from the desolation of Inumorkentä, these manipulations gave birth to multiple small sects that eventually coalesced into a cult, before becoming a full-blown religion.

In their arrogance, these priests wished to overthrow the lore of Osyrhia and install their own corrupt thoughts over all lands near and far.

But in this endeavor they failed, for nothing could cut off Osyrhia from Her children.

Therefore came the rise of Arios. He was a seeker of power, mighty in tongue yet puny in strength. His words were poison and his deeds untrue. "Liar" and "Usurper" would be the legacy of his name, as they were later used in the Common Tongue.

His cult started in the south-west of Eleandra, but was soon cut short by the riders of Illundaele. Great mischief and terrible deeds were accomplished in the name of Cenos, though they were truly the reflection of Arios' twisted thoughts and desires.

Then came a time, while Thorfax was abroad on a diplomatic errand, when those actions spilled into Illundaele. Unlike Eleandra, which was a vast land with little communications, Illundaele was always traveled by its messengers and soon the misdeeds of the sycophants were known to the Edore's court and hastened the lord's return.

Arios was brought before Thorfax and made to repent, but

this he refused, proclaiming instead the glory of the Angel and the need for all to follow his words of folly. Then Thorfax chose to exile him beyond the gates of Illundaele back to Eleandra, where he would be forced to roam without the guiding light of Osyrhia.

Arios made his dwelling in the small town of Culeiren, just a stone-throw away from Anara, which was in the dominion of Illundaele. Soon, the city under wild winds was overcome by the cult that emerged from its neighboring settlement.

There Arios gathered more followers, swayed by his serpent tongue. And he sent forth missionaries to spread his lies and deception across the lands. From a metaphorical bird's viewpoint, the corruption was as a dark smudge on the map depicting all of Osyrhia. From there the madness of Arios spread and was found even in the most remote of places.

But those faithful to the Gods were not blind, and in the rise of this cult they felt danger.

And thus came a time when Arios, along with his followers, entered the city of Eleandra and demanded that the Seven Stones be redeemed to him, in the name of the Angel. And in this he was denied by Morick Greatest of Kings who had foreseen the man's intent to find the location of the six other

stones. Filled with fury, Arios left the halls of the king and started a riot in the streets and ways of Eleandra. But even though his rage was great, he failed and finally fell. Along with him fell his followers, who also worshiped Cenos, until none was left and the land was free of their dark thoughts once again.

So it happened that only a few years before the return of Cenos, Eloran and the Havenrod had gone back to their isolation and the other kingdoms were oblivious to the events soon to come. Denosyrhianta had been the longest period of peace in Osyrhia, and had lasted almost one thousand years...

DE BELLIS OSYRHIAE: Of wars in Osyrhia

Up north, far from the unaware eyes of men, the forces of Cenos were starting to stir from their millennium-long sleep. The mind of Cenos was already racing through the wastelands of Morken at the time the Havenrod and Eloran had ended their relations with the other kingdoms. The people of Eleandra could often see a dark cloud swirling over Morken, but didn’t understand the meaning of this omen. Comfortable in their arrogance, they didn’t pay much attention to whatever happened out of their borders, although some tension could be felt in the citadel of Laemnil. In the deeps of Eldergrave, the armies of Cenos were already working their way out and removing the chunks of Vatolsolan that locked the entrance to their grave.

At last Cenos was back on his throne.

The Gods felt the dark awakening and decided it was time to send the Master of the Stones on his journey. They searched for the right mind to receive their message and finally elected a young man from the plains of Eleandra, at the edge of the Efaelian.

His name was Doryan Lanmyrh. His heart was fair, and his kindness absolute. His innocence was exactly what the Gods were looking for, and so they gifted him with the power of the Stones, although he didn’t know it at this time. His journey started with a godsent dream, so real that he could feel the coldness of the wind and the ground under his feet. In this vision he saw the armies of Cenos devastating the great city of Eleandra and carrying a thousand slaves into the dark lands of Morken. Ultimately, he saw the Stones and their power unleashed, uniting all the people of Osyrhia against evil. Other things he saw that he couldn't yet understand.

When he woke up, his mind was filled with dread and apprehension. He sat for one day and one night wondering what he was to do. The dream was too vivid to be just a figment of his imagination. Moreover, he had never heard of the Stones, let alone seen them. He decided to ride all the way to the city of Eleandra and find someone he could get answers from. So on the second day after his dream,

Doryan saddled his horse and started the journey that would seal the future of Osyrhia.

In all these the thoughts of Eldanie Uellë were interwoven, for she ever was the First and Foremost Earthly guardian of Osyrhia, and the sworn enemy of Cenos' greed. Of his greed, yes, but not of himself, for she understood his grief and could blame him not.

After a week Doryan arrived in the great city of Eleandra, core of the Osyrhian civilization. He fell in admiration for its white towers and magnificent gardens, and was determined more than ever to protect it from the power of Cenos. He was granted an audience with the Edore Morick and exposed his fears and suspicions. At first Morick didn’t take the young man seriously but soon Denestro Yänalia, a bard and story teller from the frozen lands of the Havenrod entered the hall and brought forth a message from his queen in the form of a song. It told of the ancient times when Cenos once ruled the world. It also sang the greatness of Osyrhia and the friendship of the Gods. In this song, all could feel the echoes of the Gelenoran and the power inside Doryan grew bigger than ever. Morick then felt the truth in the young man’s words and led him to the chamber where the Stone of Eleandra was kept. He handed it to Doryan, unknowingly giving him the strenght of the seventh guardian as well, and, following the hidden message of the

bard’s song, told him to ride to Eloran, where he could find the other Stones. The king gifted Doryan with a sword of old, and it was named Alüende, which means “Complete”.

Doryan left the great city a few hours later and saw, when he turned around to take a last look at Eleandra, a great army passing the gates and heading towards Laemnil and the road to Eldergrave.

When Denestro sang his song and the power of the last guardian awoke, Cenos felt the changes and instantly knew about Doryan. He was determined to rule again and would not waste another millennium before doing so.

Using the last remnants of his divine origins as a bridge toward Doryan’s mind, Cenos unleashed his power and sent a dark cloud to obscure the young man’s heart.

So as Doryan traveled across the forest of Lilianath which bordered the west walls of Eleandra, he suddenly was stricken by an invisible force and fell from his horse. Unconscious, his dreams were filled with visions of horrors and the lies of Cenos steadily made their way to his heart. When he finally awoke, he was full of hate and had lost all of his sanity. Satisfied by his evil trick, Cenos sat in the hall of Eldergrave and followed the events with delight. His armies were now almost ready, and many of his boats had sailed to Dunerande and unearthed the military devices

hidden in its thick forests. Without Doryan and the Stones, the Osyrhians could never stand a chance against his legions.

But Cenos, blinded by his confidence had underestimated the power of the Stones. The mad rush of Doryan only lasted a few hours before he fell into unconsciousness again. From Llendala came a light which gently penetrated his soul and banished the dark clouds of the evil lord. Doryan woke up and felt a great sensation of relief. The wind gently blowing in the leaves and the quietness of the forest, all once again inflamed his determination. His journey was not over yet and he could feel he was attracted by the Stones of Eloran...

The young man traveled for many days before he could find the secret entrance to the kingdom under the Crimson desert. He entered in Eloran and made his way to the lake where the Stones were said to be hidden. He couldn’t see as he stepped into the underworld the dark shapes that had followed him all the way from Lilianath. He came to a halt on a rocky outcrop overlooking the lake and saw the great city of Eloran.

He could make out, at the very heart of the capital, the crystal that accumulated the sunlight sent by the marvelous net of mirrors built so long ago. Its light illuminated the gigantic cave as would a summer day. People were busy with their everyday tasks and the activity was mainly gathered inside the walls of the city. When he was sure the lake’s proximity was clear of any presence, he descended and rallied its deserted shore.

On the bank, six statues stood waiting in a circle, as if they once had been humans, suddenly petrified. They were covered with moss and seemed very ancient. In each statue’s hands was a Stone, similar to the one given to him by Morick.

Doryan took the Stone of Eleandra and stepped in the center of the circle, where he held it high above his head. Nothing happened for a few seconds, and then the Stones started to glow rhythmically, in unison. Suddenly, six bright rays of light exploded from his Stone and penetrated the others. The shining was so strong that Doryan was momentarily blinded, and when he focused back on his surrounding, the statues were alive and watching him with attention, smiling gently.

As he was about to speak, an arrow whirled past his hear and ended in the dark waters of the lake. The six figures turned towards the direction it came from to see a group of

warriors rushing onto them. As one, the guardians drew their swords and stood ground. Doryan instinctively reached out for Alüende and dived in the battle. The fight didn’t last long, and soon the warriors of Cenos were defeated.

The young man was truly amazed by the fighting skills of the guardians, something that not even the soldiers of Laemnil could equal. He was even more astonished to realize he had the same skills, even though he had never been in a fight before. Suddenly, realization dawned on him. He knew the guardians. He had always known them; he could fell it in the deepest of his heart, a strong link between them all. Truly the power of the Stones was awake and the air all of a sudden was filled by a kind of electric energy.

A shockwave of light departed from Eloran and raced across Osyrhia. As it swept the world, people turned towards Eldergrave and instantly knew what was going on. Eldanie, standing on a balcony in her ice castle felt the power and foresaw the events to come. Surely the isolation of the White Mountains would protect her people, but she knew even the unified kingdoms of Osyrhia couldn’t win against the perfidy of Cenos. And so once again the Havenrod opened itself to the world, and the army of the White Mountains started its march...

Doryan and the guardians left Eloran and the kingdom of Llendala, followed by a large contingent of volunteers. As they journeyed towards Morken, many men joined them on their march. They were reinforced by the nomads of Illundaele and the woodmen of Illundaria. More came from the city of Eleandra when they passed its gates, and it was indeed the first time these kingdoms headed for the same purpose since the days of the first gathering and the building of the Great City.

Finally, when they were in view of Laemnil, the white army of Eldanie arrived from the east and all were fascinated by its greatness. Gleaming armors and white fur covered the horizon, and the sun reflected intensely on the shining breastplates of its soldiers. The united armies made camp outside the walls of Laemnil and those with some fighting experience instructed the less skilled. Doryan and the guardians, renamed the Fellowship by the soldiers, stood on top of the tower of Laemnil, watching up north. The dark cloud over Morken was spreading, and already small battalions ventured near the camp to harass the young army. If Cenos attacked too early, the men would not be ready to fight back and the battle would be lost. Unfortunately, the Dark Lord knew this and ordered his legions to attack at once.

One morning, the camp was roused by the alarm horns of the outpost, and all prepared for the battle that would seal the fate of Osyrhia. Doryan quickly ran to the north wall of Laemnil and what he saw filled him with terror. Between the high slopes of the pass that led to Eldergrave, the horizon was black and boiling like an overheated tar pit. The legions of Cenos were attacking! The guardians joined the army and took command of six large battalions. Each guardian had his Stone encrusted in his helmet so all could see it and feel its power in the heart of the battle. Doryan, who had no experience whatsoever of large battles, marched with the army of the White Mountains. Even frightened as he was, the Stone embedded in his helmet was giving him the courage he needed to fulfill his duty. The distance between the two armies grew thinner, and finally the first clash of swords was heard.

Right after that, the world went mad...


Metal met flesh in the fiercest battle ever seen on Osyrhia. The charges of Cenos’ war meyacks were stopped by the long spears of the army of the White Mountains, but many were trampled anyway, from both sides. While the army of the Light fought in relative order, the legions of Eldergrave stroke in chaotic confusion, killing friend and foe. The front line was already receding under the violence of the fight, when suddenly all heard the sounds of terrifying horns coming from the river Elmerel, even though it was many leagues away. The battleships of Dunerande had coasted, vomiting their load of Tremors. The legions of Cebelex rapidly reached the left flank of the Osyrhian army and started fighting their way towards the guardians and their Stones. No one could stop their fury and terrible force, and soon they reached their goal.

One after the other, the guardians were slain and the Stones stolen. As they fell under the enemy’s hands, their power diminished and confusion stroke the army of the Light. Many a man then fell under the power of Cenos and fought against their own people. By dusk, the unified kingdoms

were defeated and Cenos himself entered the battlefield.

The remnants of Eldanie’s army were closely gathered around Doryan, fighting their last stand against the dark legions, but their numbers diminished second after second, until the young man was the only one left, felled on the floor in mid-consciousness. A Tremor advanced towards him and raised his sword, ready to strike. And as the blade was about to hit it froze in mid-air, as if an invisible hand had just stopped it. The Tremor looked blank for a moment, and then withdrew his sword and stepped back. The circle of warriors opened and all knelt down in submission, as a great figure stepped in. Cenos approached Doryan and took his helmet. Then, fascinated by the Stone it wore, he spoke in a soft, almost comforting voice:

-“There, you won’t have to be the puppet of your Gods anymore. Your attempt to stop me was brave, yet foolish. Those puny kingdoms you’ve tried to protect are now mine, and the vermin you call the people of Osyrhia will be enslaved in my service. But I am not as merciless as you believe I am, and thus you will live. Yes, you will live and see; witness the pain of your peers, feel the desolation of their sorrow and witness my reign. You will be the living trophy I now deserve for defying the Gods and defeating their bastard sons!”

DENUMORKENTA: The second age of Morken.

Doryan was taken away, along with the survivors of the battle. Already the legions of Cenos were heading towards Eleandra and the other kingdoms, eager to spread chaos and take as much slaves as they could. Laemnil was carefully explored and soon the banner of Eldergrave floated atop its huge towers. Cenos entered the city in a grim parade of

screams and clatter of swords against shields. He considered the high, strong walls of the outpost and the thick doors of the main hall where the army of Eleandra once gathered. He asked for the Stones to be brought forth and unsheathed them from their supports, relishing the feeling of power they radiated. The Stones were then embedded in a disc of steel, a dark homage to Vatolsolan. He called upon the strongest Tremors and put this blasphemy of an artifact under safe guard. He took one last glance at his precious treasure and left the city, leading his forlorn prisoners.

The caravan of the defeated passed the ridges north of the plains of Siridian and tasted the acrid air of Morken. Some Tremors mounting war meyacks flanked the cohort and executed whoever walked too slowly or tried to escape. At the head of the procession marched Doryan, chained to Cenos’ horse and constantly harassed by the guards of the dark lord.

After long marching days, many had died of thirst, hunger, or by the sword when finally the caravan reached a crossroad in the middle of which stood a high, dark tower.

Pulling Doryan along, Cenos took the spiraling steps leading to its top and stood there, overlooking the dejected

assembly. Then, as he made a sign, the guards urged the terrorized prisoners towards the foot of the tower, where the dark lord would point at one of the paths and seal the destiny of his slaves.

The west road led to the long bridge that joined the island of Kalia, where a great arena had been built and the men sent there were condemned to fight each other, for the entertainment of the dark legions.

The road heading to the east ended at a small harbor, filled with dark ships. The slaves were amazed and terrorized by this technology they had never been able to master. From there they were taken to Duna and its mines, where they would have to extract the lead and iron needed in Eldergrave.

When two thirds of the caravan had been split evenly, Cenos ordered Doryan to take a last look at his companions of misery. He then whispered some dark and unknown words, and the young man suddenly was paralyzed, enchained by an invisible bound. The living statue was descended from the tower to be lifted on a cart, and the last of the caravan started its final journey to Eldergrave.

The throne hall of Eldergrave was atop its highest tower,

where a huge balcony overlooked the foundries and the desolated fields of Morken. Doryan was left beside the throne of Cenos, where he could be in view of all. The dark lord knew that the vision of the young man so dreadfully enchained would destroy the last hint of hope in the hearts of his slaves. Their task, as they learned when they arrived in the citadel, was to reforge Vatolsolan. Cenos had won, the world was his, and the mighty disc would be his gift to the defeated. No mercy, let alone rest, would be accorded to the people of Osyrhia.

The reports from his generals stated that the last pockets of resistance had been successfully terminated, with extreme prejudice, and so he was contented. He knew the only free men remaining were safely away, blocked by the frozen desert of the Havenrod, and this matter could be taken care of latter. Cenos sat on his throne, enjoying every second of his reign, and the world cried in pain for more than five hundred years...

The second Awakening

After the battle at the feet of Laemnil, a small squad of the white army had managed to escape and had returned safely to the city of Eldanie. The Queen had been terribly affected by what had come to pass and once again asked for the advice of Solan. The God appeared to her and gently took her hand. He was smiling but Eldanie could see the tears in his eyes. When he spoke, it was with kindness and comfort:

-“We are weaker now that the Stones are under the power of Cenos. We have no choice but to leave our children in the hands of fate. Many tears we’ve cried but the time will come to rejoice. The dark lord is blinded by arrogance and has made a mistake. His “trophy” will be his undoing, when the Creators of mankind are strong again. Close your lands to the rest of the world, hide your actions behind a curtain of ice, and prepare to assist our prodigal sons...”

The words of Solan brought some comfort to Eldanie Uellë for she could feel in her heart that once again the Gods would look after their children. She closed the gates of the White Mountains and waited for the time when she would be needed.

Many generations had lived and died under the terrible reign of Cenos. Vatolsolan was almost complete and soon the ceremony of its ascension would take place. But the prophecy of Solan was about to be accomplished. Very slowly, over five hundred years, the power of the Gods had grown back to its original strength, and the Stones were calling again. In his tortured sleep, Doryan heard the echoes of the Gelenoran, relishing every note and the relief it brought. He felt alive, for the first time since the tower at the crossroad and saw the procession of slaves going back and forth from the foundries to reforge the Great Disc.

A tinkling sensation indicated that he could now move his fingers and the invisible bounds of Cenos slowly but steadily vanished, until he was free to move. He looked around to make sure he was alone and stealthily headed out.

He cautiously descended the walls of the high tower where stood the
throne hall and was soon close to a group of slaves. The story of Doryan and the battle of Laemnil had been narrated

from generation to generation, keeping the flame of hope burning, and all had a clear image of the young man from the elders’ descriptions. One of the prisoners turned around to look at him and the recollection of the tales the man’s father had told long ago filled his heart with joy. He approached, trembling with emotion, and Doryan could see the tears in his eyes.

Alas, the place was well guarded and there were not enough slaves to attempt a rebellion. The man understood the situation and told Doryan of the way to Kalia, where men were trained to fight and would surely defeat their guards, if only they had a leader. Doryan promised to come back to release the slaves of Eldergrave and set towards Kalia. When he was out of the citadel the rumor of his return had already spread around the prisoners and the day suddenly seemed brighter...

After a cautious journey through the wastelands of Morken, Doryan arrived in view of Kalia and the impressive bridge connecting it to the coast. The bridge was not guarded and the young man managed to rally the shores of the island, moving with care. Hidden behind a rock, he waited for a group of slaves to pass by and entered the crowd while the guards were not paying attention. He gestured the prisoners to remain silent and waited until they were left alone in

the antechamber of the great arena. There, the men fell on their knees and thanked the Gods for the return of Doryan.

He spoke to them and learned a counting was performed every night on the sand of the coliseum by the guards.

All the slaves of Kalia would then be gathered in the same place with only a handful of guards to watch them. He was also told the guards here were bored and supposed they wouldn’t stand against more than two thousand trained men. This was the perfect opportunity to attempt an escape and the word quickly spread around the prisoners. When nightfall came, the gates opened and the slaves stepped onto the sand of the arena. Doryan could feel their stare on him and the power of the Stones started radiating off him again. As one man, they all rushed their guards and killed them before they could give the alarm. They knocked down the gates leading out and neutralized the garrison that was supposed to watch them. Doryan was impressed by their fighting skills and couldn’t avoid thinking that until now they had had to use them against their own brothers. The crowd crossed the bridge in sheer exhilaration and soon the free men set foot on the land their ancestors came from. When everyone was ashore, they set fire to the bridge and vowed not to let anyone be forced to fight a brother, ever again.

Followed a long march to rally the White Mountains where Doryan knew he could find some support. As the procession entered the frozen desert, Solan cleared a way through the raging blizzard and the free men crossed the

natural barrier without difficulty. At the gates of the ice city, Eldanie welcomed the prodigal sons and offered them some shelter, food and clothes. Doryan was led to the throne room to discuss matters with the Queen. Sitting at the table where Eldanie usually held council with Solan, the young man related his escape from Eldergrave, the deliverance of the slaves of Kalia and the quiet journey through the ice desert. When he was done, Eldanie smiled at him and looked over his shoulder, her expression radiating utter joy. Doryan turned around and saw for the first time the kind face of Solan. The God extended his arms and Doryan threw himself in his embrace, like a long gone child to his father. The three figures then sat back and the discussion went on.

Eldanie could provide five thousand men, some horses and all the weapons and armors necessary. No help would come from Eloran which had fallen more than two hundred years ago, its people reinforcing the slaves of Cenos. The dark lord was sure of his supremacy and his armies hadn’t grown any bigger since his victory.

A surprise attack could bring Doryan and his men at the heart of Eldergrave, and then it would be quite easy to reverse the balance of power. But before the final assault, they would have to take Duna and reinforce their ranks with any valid men they could find there. The ships kept in the small arbor on the east coast of Morken

where not heavily guarded and would do fine to accomplish this task.

Solan told Doryan that the Stones were kept in Laemnil. As soon as Doryan would hold them, their power could ignite the flame of hope buried in every man in Duna and Eldergrave, and the fight would then become easier. When all was said, Solan vanished in a shower of light and Eldanie led Doryan to where his men where resting. They were all provided with a sword and a gleaming white armor.

A banner was crafted for Doryan, representing the sun that soon would shine again on the people of Osyrhia. Eldanie’s men joined the group and all exited through the gates of the ice city, determined to save their brothers and end the

dark reign of Cenos.

Doryan and Eldanie were leading the army of the free. Protected by the power of Solan, they once again crossed the frozen desert and directly headed for Laemnil.

The walls of the ancient citadel trembled with the stamping of the oncoming army, and the guards left there by Cenos cowered when they heard the screams uttered by the free men. The fight was easy and soon Doryan was in front of the Stones, still embedded in the iron disc crafted by the dark lord. By the side of the disc laid Alüende, still as sharp and pristine as when last he held it. He brought his sword

down on the artifact and the whole city suddenly vibrated with the echoes of the strike. The outer walls collapsed and the Stones were again exposed to the sun.

Doryan took them and raised them in front of the assembled soldiers, honoring their first victory against tyranny.

That night, the dreams of the people all over Osyrhia were filled with visions of freedom and happiness. The coming of a time when all could live free and fulfil the Primal Dream, guided by their Gods.

The slaves of Duna didn’t know where these dreams came from and the seeming darkness of their doom quickly eluded whatever comfort the visions had brought. In Eldergrave though, all knew that Doryan was back and would soon deliver them. Secretly the slaves were getting ready for the insurrection...

In Laemnil, Doryan and Eldanie were preparing the liberation of Duna and the final assault against Cenos. The men had to know what they were going to fight and the Ice queen exposed the story of Osyrhia, from the Äntä to the fall of the empires of the world.

MYRH AD CAELEN: Score to a new Beginning

In this time was a man of Morken. He was, as his peers, corrupted by Cenos or enslaved by his will. But there was some love left in him for The Light of Osyrhia. His name was Ban Arbigail and he would play a key role in future events.

After the victory at Laemnil, the Army of the Light made its way to Havenlock, on the east shores of Morken, right at the border with the Havenrod.

From this point, they ambushed the Cenosites guarding the harbor and boarded on several boats in order to reach the shores of Duna and free the slaves held there. The short journey was perturbed by a strong storm, but soon Duna was in view. On the beach, the guards were expecting the boats to carry a new load of slaves and were surprised to be assaulted as soon as the first hull hit the coast.

Thus Followed a fight in which Doryan and his followers succeded in defeating the enemy. A man of Morken came forth, droping his sword, and he was Ban Arbigail, brought recently to Duna, leaving his wife and son in the plains of Morken. He was fierce, and a great fury raged within him after learning of the deeds of Cenos and Cebelex. Doryan was suspicious of him, yet he didn't know that Ban was inflamed with The Light. This he would find out later and rejoice.

The battalion crossed Duna from south to north-west and rescued the captives, while the boats went around the island to meet with them. Then all boarded to reach the coast of

Morken. On its way, the fleet was attacked by the Leviathan, a technomancian creation of Cenos. The fleet would have been lost if not for Ban Arbigail who, blinded by his rage, dived in the turbid waters and struck his sword in the creature's eye, killing it instantly. Thought dead, Ban suddenly emerged on Doryan's boat after pulling himself from the water, helped by a trailing rigging.

When the fleet coasted, a temporary camp was built for everyone to get back their forces before the final strike. Doryan took Ban aside and learned about his wife and son. Eldanie was touched and called for one of the Stars of Solan to gather some news from Ban's family. Before the eagle left, Ban wrote a letter to Ilia to comfort her and tell her where they were and what they planed to do.

As the Star of Solan soared and flew over the Northern Ridges it was intercepted by Cebelex, who found the letter. He immediately sent his faithful hound Dorfeldric to Eldergrave to warn Cenos. When the Dark Lord got the news, he prepared his fort for a frontal assault.

Meanwhile, Doryan held council with Eldanie, wondering about the future of Osyrhia if ever they shall win this last fight. Eldanie Uellë reassured him and let him know the Gods have a plan for him as well as for Cenos.

The army then decamped and headed for its final journey to Eldergarve. Morken was separated from Eleandra by a narrow pass named Laemnath, after the fashion of the citadel Laemnil, and this pass was closed by great gates of Cenos' design. As the men approached the gates, a vision of horror was offered to them: the Morkenians had impaled a hundred slaves, and a hundred more were tied to poles on top of the walls, ready to be executed. Cenos then appeared on the remparts and ordered Doryan to surender.

As Doryan and Eldanie were about to lay down their arms, Ban Arbigail loudly insulted Cenos and charged. As a mass effect, the whole Army of The Light attacked as well, ignoring Doryan's and Eldanie's imprecations. The gates of Morken opened to spill the legions of Cenos, and the guards on the walls cut the ropes that held the slaves, sending them to their death.

But as the captives fell to their doom, their bodies were suddenly surrounded by an aura of light, and they gently drifted to the ground. Sirid, in his wisdom, had recalled Letto Arenelo, the once-dead king of Dunerande, back to the world of the living, and with the seven Edores alive the Guardian Stones shone once again. The ground started shaking and the echoes of Gelenoran rose, after so many

ages long past.

On the horizon, huge silhouettes detached themselves from the crimson sky as the Nofelani rose.

The Morkenians started in fear and soon were crushed by these godsent allies. Cenos was captured and enchained. As the dust settled, the Gods appeared in their human form while the Giants vanished and turned to the Halls of Sirid, at last. Eldanie and Doryan met with the Seven Gods and held a council for Cenos.

The Dark Lord's deeds were weighted. All his sins and crimes were shown before him, and he endured the pain he had inflicted to others. And before the Council of the Gods, he expressed true remorse, tears flowing from his eyes, and sang a sorrowful yet majestic song about his love for Osyrhia. Solan read his mind and felt the honesty of his words.

The Gods discussed among themselves and finaly reached a decision. They commanded Doryan to hold Cenos' hands and look him straight in the eyes. As he did so, the two figures were surrounded by light, so blinding it was defying the Sun itself, and vanished asunder. (To be continued in The Second Cycle of Osyrhia)


Then, as all on Osyrhia felt a sudden change, they looked to the sky as dawn was soon approaching. And in the growing twilight they saw that now Epheos, the Moon, had a companion.

As the last stars faded away, the Sun rose above the horizon. And lo and behold! It too had a companion.

Solan joined Eldanie, followed by the other Gods, and all looked in wonder at this amazing spectacle, for they had made it happen by the will of Osyrhia but couldn't imagine what glorious sight it would entail.

Cenos, whose love for Osyrhia and misguided ways were an echo of the Song of Epheos (see appendix 7), joined the firmament as a new Moon, ever watching over Osyrhia.

Doryan, whose love for The Light had saved all of humankind, was now shining a new light on the world as a second Sun.

And henceforth, in the night sky, a new constellation appeared and remained. It was made of seven bright stars reminding the shape of an eagle, and it was called Eona. The Guardian Stones would now look over the world forever.

With the light of the new Sun, and the tides of the new Moon, many changes occured. The weather of the Havenrod became milder, while the skies of Morken became clearer. The winds blew gentler on Illundaele, and the Crimson Desert saw its first flowers. The swamps of Dunerande dried up, and Illundaria flourished.

Eldanie Uellë was made Stewardess of Osyrhia, and the Edores guided their people under her advice. Letto was given new breath and reinstated as Edore of Duenrande, with all the people of Osyrhia giving help to finally make his land and people strive.

Cebelex had cowered in fear after the defeat at the gates of

Morken, and was even more terrified when he saw the two new lights in the sky. His hound Dorfeldric, however, felt immense joy and freedom as this new dawn awoke. Displeased and angered by the hound's attitude, Cebelex made to slay him. But Dorfeldric was now inhabited by The Light and in a swift move fell his former master. From then on he was called Lanbesk, the Mighty Beast, and cherished by all. He went on to live with Eldanie in the Havenrod.

On the advice of the Ice Queen, Bana son of Ban Arbigaïl was made the new Edore of Morken. Under his guidance, the Northland prospered and thrived.

A new era had begun, as the Primal Dream was finally accomplished.


When the light finally faded, there stood two men, Doryan and Cenos, naked and facing the Bay of Haldun. At once they felt they were the only beings in the world yet and understood a new cycle had been started. This new awakening happened as the Gods fell into their deep slumber, Lië Eldorën, at the beginning of the world, soon after they had finished their respective tasks. But something was different, for the day now had two Suns and the night two Moons.

All around them was enchantment, beauty and peace, Osyrhia undisturbed by men and their constant mining, carving, rough forestry, and other nature-destroying actions. Still, both Cenos and Doryan knew the Children of Gods would eventually appear and would need counseling. And so they discussed for many days and nights what course of action to take in order to avoid the darkest times of the first cycle. With the benevolence of Osyrhia and the help of the gods, they learned to guide all things in the world, be it stone, water, plants, animals, or the mountains themselves. In essence, they became the worldly forces of nature. Not as enemies this time, but as brothers.

They made their first dwellings in the woods of Lilianath,

west of where Eleandra would later stand. A very different Eleandra indeed. By the powers invested in them by Arel, they entwined mighty oaks to build a wide passageway that ended in a great hall whose roof were the branches and leaves of even mightier oaks. Sometimes, at night, they would ask the roof be open so they could stare at the night sky and the stars of Solan. The trees were well looked after and rejoiced in their roles.

As neither of the Brothers was yet alive at this time in the first cycle but had a collective memory of events past, they knew the Giants and Eona their Queen would soon arise, as an accident of evolution. They also knew the giants brought havoc to Osyrhia, not due to malice, but through their enormous size. As one, Doryan and Cenos decided the taming of the Giants would be a great opportunity to test their knowledge on a sapient race.

Although the world was changed in the first cycle after the Giants' War, it still retained some features that would be know for millennia to pass. As it were, the Brothers felt Osyrhia needed more land to welcome the Giants and asked counsel from Edoran, master of the waters of the world. Contrary to Doryan and Cenos, the Gods of the second cycle had only seen the achievement of the primal dream, and nothing that befell Osyrhia before or after. As the Brothers exposed the terrible events to come if the Giants were left roaming the world freely, Edoran took pity and

granted Doryan and Cenos one of the greatest deeds to happen in this second cycle; calling the powers of Mirenor, Laemnil, Arel, the Brothers and himself, they all sang a magnificent song that signed the end of the Bays of Haldun and of the Golden Dawn for their depths were risen and vast new lands were created. The large sea between the main land and Dunerande knew the same fate, as did the one between Duna and the south of Morken. Those quickly filled with meadows and forests and brought even more splendor to Osyrhia. Now the world was big enough for the Giants and the Children of Gods to live together. Further changes were brought by this transformation, and shall be delt with later.

Soon after those great changes emerged Eona and her children, not far from Lilianath. As was remembered in dreams by Doryan and Cenos, Eona was wise and gentle, but the Giants were of very limited sentience and acted as a hive mind. So the Brothers used their power to put them in a peaceful sleep while they would discourse with Eona. They told her of the arm her children had done to the world in the first cycle, of Osyrhia's wrath, and of Her later regrets and shame for what had been done, for they were, after all, children of Osyrhia even if only by accident. Eona, hearing of their doom, shed seven tears which of course became the seven Guardian Stones.

Distressed and in sorrow, the Queen asked what she should

do to avoid such a cruel fate and allow her children in the halls of Sirid. And thus began a long age of teaching and learning about all the marvels that could be built without destruction. As she was the hive Queen, this knowledge passed onto her children in their peaceful sleep, so that when they finally awoke, they found themselves aggrandized. No more would they stomp around aimlessly, and they would care for all of the Gods' creations. They were the shepherds of trees, rivers, lakes, mountains, rocks and many other things. It could be said they were the direct kinsmen and messengers of Doryan and Cenos, thus of the Gods and Osyrhia Herself. Much rewards they received, among them the power to gently communicate and negotiate with everything on Osyrhia. Many mighty cities and underground halls they were allowed to create by the will of nature itself, without a single blow of an ax or the destructive power of a sledgehammer, but by a mutual understanding with all that dwelt moving or still on Osyrhia.

For these deeds and the bountiful fate of her children, Eona kept an everlasting love for The Gods, Osyrhia, Doryan and Cenos. And as some of her children died while others were born, the elders' knowledge passed onto the young ones and the tired old Giants were welcomed with open arms in the halls of Sirid, who had made for them a wonderful resting place, so large the walls and ceiling were hard to see, but replete with fountains, trees of silver and gold, wise rocks

and stones to discuss with, and many more things they could not have dreamed of. Thus Sirid always held a special place in Eona's heart.

Enthralled by what they had accomplished with the Giants, the Brothers were now eager to witness the coming of the Children of Gods. And still in their hearts they had the memories of the first cycle of Osyrhia, of its horrors and tragedies. Cenos then wept again and again for a long time, but Doryan comforted him and reminded him that all he did, good or bad, was for a love so pure it was beyond reason. And now they had been given a second chance to achieve what in the end would be the Primal Dream, a concept the Gods only had a glimpse of. If Eleandra had to have great towers, they would teach men the ways of the Giants, with enormous trees embracing the spears of monumental rocks. If they needed underground dwellings, they would kindly ask the cliffs to open for them, and in exchange they would take great care of the rocks and stones inside.

Now reassured, Cenos made Doryan promise that no machinery would ever come to Osyrhia, to which Doryan agreed completely. Their preparations made, the Brothers went to the Gathering and waited for this fateful dawn that would bring to them the Children of Gods. And as they slumbered, Eona came forth on light feet and asked the rocks, stones, trees and vines to offer shelter to the teachers

of both the Giants and the Children of Gods, a request so gracious that they couldn't refuse. So that when the first rays of the sun appeared on the horizon and the Children of Gods awoke across the world, Doryan and Cenos found themselves in the most beautiful dwelling they had ever seen.

-This is where Eleandra will be built. Said Doryan, to which Cenos could see no objection.

In the first cycle, humans had done nothing for a long time until Cenos was sent to teach them, and the Brothers thought it would be a shame to let that be once again. So without hesitation, they called upon their powers to gather all the Children of Osyrhia at once. With great delight, they saw that the first to come were Eona and her own children. This might make the relations between humans and Giants that much easier.

Then came the other races: the Eleandrans, Havenrodians, Illundarians, Illundaelës, Morkenians, Llendaliës, and last but not least, the Dunerandis. All the races sat in front of the teachers, save for the Giants who stayed a bit behind Doryan and Cenos, as apt pupils are wont to do.

But in this cycle, Cenos did not teach about sculpture and complex architecture, but instead about all the things nature could do for them if they made the effort to learn their

secret language. And as he once did in the first cycle with the building of boats, he hid from them the forging and use of weapons, but this time for benevolent reasons and without any afterthought.

To demonstrate what nature, men, and Giants could accomplish together in harmony, Doryan, Cenos, Eona and the Giants used their freshly made abode as the foundation for the first and mightiest of all the towers of Eleandra. First, Eona and her people consolidated the walls in what might seem complicated, nay, impossible deed, but they kindly asked the common rocks to turn into marble, and so they did. Not the smoothed-out marble tortured under steel saws and high-pressure water jets as in the first cycle, but as a marvelous surface polished yet natural, reflecting the inside of the abode that would later be known as the Blue Vale Under the Tower. For as soon as their work was finished, Cenos made a deep blue river flow through it, and so did the marble turn blue as well. These deeds alone were more than enough to convince the men to follow all the teachings the Brothers and the Giants could partake with them.

But those were just the foundations of what was to come. They all stepped outside the Blue Vale and watched in amazement as Eona and her children were instructing rocks to pile higher and thicker than was physically possible. And all while they were doing this, Doryan and Cenos were

whispering to the thick roots around the base of this growing pillar. As some tentacles from a kraken, the roots started spiraling around the rocks, making them straighter and stronger even. When the roots reached 200 feet, they started sprouting large branches and leaves, as of some magical series of balconies, and still the rocks kept pilling up until they reached 600 feet. There they stopped their growth giving rise to a circular flat top with 6 arches entwined, their key 30 feet above the platform. At this point Eona started a beautiful song in the secret language of rocks, and once again all turned into marble. The tower was then named Noferodnia, the Strong Mountain Tree.

Now more than ever, the Children of Gods were eager to learn the secret speech of nature and be able to communicate with her. And so they sat again in front of Doryan, Cenos and the Giants, and gathered all the knowledge that could be imparted to them. It took months, as such things are very difficult to master, but in the end all succeeded with their own talents and affinities. Some were close to Laemnil, others to Mirenor, more where enchanted by Arel, and all loved the works of Sirid. Edoran, capricious as he could be when quarelling with his brother Efael, was always ready to lend an ear when fresh or calm water was needed. Solan would sometimes light the way in dark places, which was a welcome sight. Of course, most of these were the works of the Brothers and the Giants, but they were after all doing all this in the name of the Gods.


As the Children of Gods prepared for their long journey home, Cenos called for their Lords and Ladies, the Edores. Those were Queen Eldanie Uellë of the Havenrod, King Morick of Eleandra, King Letto of Dunerande, King Cebelex of Morken, Queen Aiëla Alimanï of Llendala and

Eloran, King Thorfax of Illundaele and Queen Aldän Mehedelnia of Illundaria. He gathered them around him, and produced seven magnificent stones, the tears of Eona. He presented each one with a stone and with no real surprise each took the stone that was closest to their God. He then uttered these words:

-The stones are a symbol of your peoples' unity, and shall be dearly kept, but not hidden as they are for all to see when sadness passes them by. I've seen another cycle of Osyrhia before this one, and nightmare is not strong enough a word to impart the desolation that was brought by some madness or other (of my own). You now will live in harmony for a long time, but the nature of men is such that some new devastation may or may not come on this world again. If this ever happens, the Gods will infuse their powers in the stones so you can at least defend your peoples. Just remember to never arm nature, or she might become your next nemesis, and I'm afraid so shall we. But for now lets part in peace, ere I offer you another of my special liquors.

To this, all laughed and said their goodbyes to travel home. Morick and Eldanie alone stayed in council with Doryan and Cenos for many days and many nights, wanting to know everything about the first cycle.

1-It has come to mind that Cenos was not the villain all

would wish him to be, as is so often the case in fantasy, myths, politics, and religions.

This tale, as it was told by the people of Osyrhia, frames him as a bitter, jealous soul. But the truth of his resentment lays elsewhere, in his deepest of heart, for Cenos was grandly enamored with Osyrhia as She was before the Gods and the Children of Gods were born. He was of the essence of the Gods, sure enough, but also of Osyrhia Herself, and thus knew from the very first day of his existence all that She had been before the advent of the Children of Gods. He perceived the humans' mingling as a perversion of Osyrhia's true self, and wanted Her to return to Her primal state. So it must be said that, all things considered, Cenos acted out of love, not of hate. His love for Osyrhia was so strong that he was willing to risk everything to bring Her back to Her purest form. And because of this, he was forgiven by the Gods at their council and joined hands with Doryan in the First Cycle for a new beginning.

2-During the first cycle, before the Age of Men, there were giants. Their story has been told before in this compendium. They had a hive mind, like bees or ants, but still they retained some individuality. None more than Eona their queen, cherished by the Gods, was aware of this fact. They were denied the vast halls of Sirid, but were still present in the world in spirit until the time when they would be of service came, and this moment was at the

Gates of Morken, where they accomplished great deeds against the forces of Cenos. Thus, after the Angel's return to Light, they were awarded the right to finally enter Sirid's dwellings and at last be at peace. Their fate was more joyful and plentifully rewarded in the second cycle of Osyrhia.

3-A Flower and a Feather: from ancient lore, when a couple wanted to declare their union to the Gods, one would trek many miles in search of some Arelia, a highly revered flower; one blue, one white; meanwhile their significant other would seek two immaculate dove feathers. They then would tie a flower and a feather together and present them as a vow or a secret desire. The flower and feather were kept close to the lovers' heart at all time. When one of the spouses passed away, the feather would join them in the grave, while the flower would be preciously kept in remembrance. In this way they honored Arel and Sirid, as well as the departed. This tradition was shared among all the people of Osyrhia, even the Morkenians and Dunerandis in their darkest times. Many a heartbreak was caused when soldiers from all sides found these mementos on their fallen enemies, for it reminded them they once were part of the same ideal. And while the feathers stayed with the dead, whichever side they may have served, the flowers were always gathered, by all and with reverence,

and laid to rest close to the dead, in the hope they would be reclaimed by their loved ones.

4-Funeral rites: Along with the tradition of the Flower and the Feather, other decencies were held for the departed. Before the rise of Cenos, the dead were buried, in a ceremony where all wore white garments, as to withhold the darkness. After the loathsome creation of the Tremors, the bodies were cremated to avoid their being marshaled by the Angel.

5-Ban Arbigail: Ban was born in Morken. The son of a renowned blacksmith from Eldergrave, he was fierce and strong. During the dark days of Denümorkentä, he met his soul-sister Ilia and with her settled under the high mountains of the Northern Ridges. As news spread of Doryan's Awakening in Eldergrave, a time also known as Denüelen, he was sent to Duna for guard duties.

When he saw Doryan and his company as they were coming to save their brethrens, he became intrigued and cast down his sword, marching to Doryan, and asked him what was their tiding. As he heard of all the horrors inflicted in Eldergrave, Kalia, and Duna, his heart turned to anger against Cenos and Cebelex.

There he joined the Army of the Light and fought bravely. Unfortunately, a letter he wrote to Ilia and his son Bana was

intercepted by the forces of Cenos and almost led to the failure of Doryan's uprising. Nonetheless his deeds included slaying the Leviathan, and later enticing the Army of the Light to charge against Morken. Ban, hailed as a hero, fell in this last battle, slain by a Tremor. His death was honored as in days of old. His feather was on his heart, and his flower laid above his resting place. A procession of white-clad mourners paid their respect, and his body was put in the ground, as was the tradition before the rise of Morken.

His flower was finally regained by Ilia in the new time of peace.

6-The Moonforge: In the years between the coming of Cenos and his turn against humankind, many masters of metalwork and craft from Morken came to Eleandra. They were spared the fate of their brethren, and in the Great City created the Moonforge. It was there that the armors and blades of the Army of the Light were made. It was named thus as the smithies couldn't make proper work under the bright light of the Sun, for their intricate carvings were almost blinding under its shine. Thus they only forged under moonlight, which was gentle enough to see the details of their craft.

7- About the moon: The Song of Epheos

Myrhyän De Epheos

In the early days of Osyrhiantä came to birth a brother and a sister. They were named Epheos and Caëlia, and spent their joyful childhood on the high plains of Illundaele. They were both of high beauty and the pride of Efael, who saw in them a forecast of what his children would become when they’d reach the Primal Dream.

But as they peacefully danced into adolescence, a forbidden desire emerged in the heart of Epheos for he too could see the beauty of his sister, and his mind couldn’t find rest anymore. The innocence of childhood was gone, and he now spent his days lurking around Caëlia and tried to seduce her, against the lore of nature.

Feeling dejected and mad with passion, he insanely decided to rid the world of his sister’s impossible beauty. One night, as she was asleep, he quietly came near her bed carrying a bottle of lamp oil and drenched her in the dangerous liquid. But as he lit a match, Caëlia jerked awake and spilled him with the oil. Surprised, Epheos dropped the match and instantly caught fire.

Screaming and flailing, he ran out and disappeared in the night. Caëlia was scared and shocked, but most of all in a terrible dread for what had just happened to her brother. She cried for three nights and three days, imploring Efael to save him. After the third day, the God took pity on her and searched the land for Epheos’ body.

He finally found it floating in a nearby pool, its skin white as ivory with dark smears where the flames had burned, and totally black on its back.

He gently picked the body and brought it back to Caëlia, who screamed and fainted at the sight.

When she came back to, her brother had disappeared and Efael was smiling, looking peacefully at the star clad sky.

She stepped beside him and looked up.

There, right among the lights of Solan, floated a great white disc with dark smears. And so she understood. Epheos had lost his sense and tried to kill her, and so he was not to live on Osyrhia anymore. But Efael had been touched by her love for her brother and had given him a place in the sky, where he would always look upon Caëlia, without arming her.

In shame for what he did, Epheos would turn around once a

month and show his scorched back to the world, looking to the empty spaces of infinity. Then he would turn back to his bright face and look once again at his sister...

This old legend was well known across Osyrhia, and the moon became a symbol of the duality of men when gifted with free-will. Epheos continued his cycles of light and darkness until the end of times, remembering his beloved sister and the horrible foolishness of his acts...


Laemnil's left hand in its torment melted rock, rendering minerals and organic compounds. Of all these precious gems and ores, one came in the form of a fluid, with peculiar properties.

Laemen became the common exchange coin around the world. It was valued for its shining clarity and its usefulness in all trades.

Kept in phials, it was the set standard for all currency. It could burn brighter than any candle and could, under cunning engineering, power machines of might.

A property long sought after, during the days of war, was the ability of Laemen to coat anything that was dipped in it and give it tremendous resistance. No arrow nor sword could pierce a shirt that had been soaked in Laemen.

Seers: empty vessels whose only purpose was guidance, as a compass. Created by Cenos during his days in search of a route to Dunerande. Though they were conceived naturally, these entities' souls were reclaimed at birth by Sirid, for he would not allow Cenos to create new aware life of his own, and so would dearly take them into his halls. There they became of great stature among the departed and gave wise counsel to those who sought it.To Eona they were most loved as they, just like her and her kind, were brought to the world without want, and their innocence was kept as a precious gem upon the marbled floors of Sirid's house. But yet their empty bodies were tuned to the magnetic field of Osyrhia, and so became tools of navigation. This aberration was banned after the Battle at the Gates of Morken, and they were finally laid down to rest in what is now known as Derionath (the Road of Guides) or Derionian (the Fields of Guides), south of the city of Eleandra.

Myrhilan, faithful maid and companion of Doryan. Her

name meant “song of the great” and she was indeed great in wisdom, power, and cunning.

8-(Traductions in italic bold are just for amusement. This is rendered in Felyän, or dark speech, where the changes in consonants are marked in red. The green translations bellow are in Moryän, Speech of the Land. Those translations are made at a time long after the Civil war that opposed Arios and his followers to the rest of Osyrhia. The word that was used before “arios” to represent treachery, lies, treason, betrayal, was “Kulë”, a rare occurrence of a hard consonant in an otherwise melodic language. “K” can also be found in “Morken”, Land of the North, and “Tolkiën”, knowledge, which considering Cenos built his city in Morken and was the bringer of knowledge, might give a single root to the use of the letter ).


Personal pronouns:

I eh You eè He/she/it et We ao You (plural) aè



My, mine
Your, yours
Our, ours
Their (third singular and third plural)



Of About For
In inside From And short) With


The (plural) The
A, an, some

Question Words:

Who Where When Why


To be: o (am),oh (are), y (is), om (be). To have: abeh
To eat: vato
To see: hano


neh nè no ni


del, der, de
n' (pronounced "en",


ath a od

dani dos edö unë


Tense markers, at the beginning of a sentence, are used whenever the tense changes thereafter. An apostrophe signals the tense markers. The umlaut is a marker of time and/or numbers. Tense markers are often omitted in texts and songs, as they are implied by context:

Ë': past tense (referring to Elentä, the Age of Awakening) No marker: present tense
Ä': future tense (referring to Antä, the End [and beginning]) Ü': intemporal


1-eo bes Shana y assä deriora ad Osyrhia (I feel my life is forever guided by The Light).
2-Ë. eo bes Shana y assä deriora ad Osyrhia (I felt my life was forever guided by The Light)

3-eo bes Shana ä. y assä deriora ad Osyrhia ( I feel my life will be forever guided by The Light)
4-Ä. led uël eaë ad parïso (for a thousand years to come)
5-Ä. led uël eaëkre ad parïso (for a thousand dark years to come)

6-Ü. Dric e Morken (at the deepest of Morken)

Ea: yes, positive, good, love Ek: no, ,negative, bad, hate



Full, complete, eternal None, nothing, end, void

Clear, bright, shining

Forever Help, support

Liar, usurper Love

ada (plural: adas)

alia alüende än

ar are

assä ania

arios ama

Hate ata


War, battle, struggle (plural: bellis, stollen from Latin) bel Feelings, mood (singular: bes) besi Beast, creature, animal Besk C:

Beginning, change, start, birth Caelen Thanks, thank you, blessings Culian


Daefind: mist
Daele: west (where mist comes from)
Dal'Arel: woods of Arel (dal = woods, apostrophe is locative)
Daria: east (where mist goes)
Deren: of you (der = of, en= you, possessive)
Derio: Not lost, guided, leader (deri: lost. Suffix o = not lost, guide, suffix a = female)
Dor: night, darkness
Dorfeldric: Dark Evil Jaw (Cebelex's hound, later Lanbesk: Mighty Beast, after it turned against its master)
Doryan: darkness is ending
Dosï: when (past tense implied)
Dric: mouth, cave, depth, jaw
Dunerande: Great Isle (dune: island, rande: great)


Eä: year (plural: eaë )
Eda: under, bellow
Edo: over, above
Eder: the first, main, principal, primordial
Edor: Lord, Lady (plural Edores, male Edore, female Edora) Eldanie: Blessed

Elder: work, task, making, craft, act Eldorën: wait, waiting
Eleandra: center, main
Elen: awakening

Emen: city, civil, citizen

En: and


Fel: negative, evil (suffix)

Feldor Edore: Dark Lord (Cenos). Fel and dor mean dark night, a trully negative term.
For: light


Gelen: god (root: first awake) Geleno: gods
Gueandiä: fog
Ger: fear

Gol: terror


Hasa: horse
Hasana: speed
Hasanid: swift, fast
Havenrod: White Mountains (Haven: snow, white. Rod: mountains) Hemlea: garment, clothing, veil


Ian: field, pasture Iamry: Messenger Illun: south Illundaele: south west Illundaria: south east Im: and


Ken: north
Kallia: bell, loud sound, scream


Lan: big, tall, huge, massive, mighty
Laemen: currency, cost, price (plural laemenï) Lembremen: civilization

Lië: long, durable, longing Lieüche: home, abode Lilia: green
Lio: thought, thinking Llendala: desert, void

Lib: tear, cry


Mehe: heart, friend
Mehena: my heart (na = my)
Micer: vitcim, slain
Min: small, tiny, discreet
Morken: land of the north (mor: land, ken: north) Milia: dream
Myrh: music
Myrhyän: song


Nath: pass, passage, road, way, path

Nelo: gift, present
Nia: tree
Niaran: wind in the trees (effect)

Nofe: strong
Nofebesk, fierce beast, monster. Nofelan: Giant (plural: Nofelani) Noferan: strong wind, gale

Nofereï: beautiful Nor: Day


Ore: my sister (or = sister, e = possessive) Osyrhia: The Light


Parïso: dawn, come, rise (parïs: dusk, fall) Pella: water
Pellaron: sea, ocean (field of water)


Quosh: hunt


Ran: wind, breath (origin) Randric: spoken or sung words Ron: plain


S: suffix, plural
Shara: good life (sha = life, suffix ra = good, sweet, agreable) Solo: self, soul, spirit


Tä: age, eon, period of time
Tolkiën: wisdom, knowledge, understanding

Toraï: parting, departing


Uellë: invincible, immortal


Vatol: Eater, devourer.


Y: is
Yän: speech, voice, meaning

Yänmyrh: saga, sung tale.

The Edores of Osyrhia:

Morick Landeledores: King of Eleandra Kings)
Eldanie Uellë: Queen of the Havenrod Immortal)

Letto Arenelo: King of Dunerande Cebelex Kenran: King of Morken

Aiëla Edora Edamor: Queen of Eloran and Llendala the Land)
Thorfax Hasanidhasa: King of Illundaele

Aldän Mehedelnias: Queen of Illundaria Trees)

Doryan Lanmyrh: Herald of the Gods

Cenos Gelenoyän: First herald of the Gods Gods)

Hues of the Gods and their symbols:

Edoran: Turquoise, a spear or a wave.
Arel: Green, shears or a spade. Flower or tree, most likely? Mirenor: Grey, a pickaxe or a mountain
Efael: White, a hand fan, a cloud, or a blowing wind Woodwinds
Solan: Golden, a flame or the Sun itself
Laemnil: Red, a metallic left hand or a volcano
Sirid: Black, the mighty horn of a Meyack or a foot-print.

(Greatest of (Blessed (Bright Gift) (North Wind) (Queen Under (Swift Horse) (Heart of the

(Great Song) (Voice of the

Harp Glock Horns

Strings Percs Choirs


(the umlaut is always placed on the last vowel. It helps denote that it is indeed a number, or time-related)

Än 0 Inü 1 Denü 2 Tenü 3 Kenü 4 Kiriä 5 Sircä 6 Simiä 7 Othiä 8 Nothiä 9 Kïl 10 Kilinü 11 Kildenü 12 Kiltenü 13 Kilkenü 14 Kilkïr 15 Kilsïr 16 Kilsïm 17 Kilö 18 Kilnö 19

Dekïl 20 Tekïl 30 etc...
Ül 100 Uël 1000

Test: dekilnö kenü uelnosimkilsircä (29 4 1976) Test: dekiltenü inü uelnosimkilothiä (23 1 1978)

Speech of the followers of Cenos:

Same as the common speech, but "n" is replaced by "k", "c" is always pronounced "k", as well as “s”, “m” being changed to “t”, and many other changes in pronunciation of both vowels and consonants, if not in meaning. This tool was devised by Cenos when he turned from the Light, in order to give the usually pleasing Osyrhian language a tone and aggressiveness that would rouse his troupes and make them more fierce in battle. (phonosemantics)


Grammar and syntax in themselves are not fixed entirely. They depend on the harmony of sounds and can be arranged in many ways to have a more pleasant “music” to them or a darker tone.

Thus, in the example of Cenos' last name, while the usual form should have been Yändelgeleno (Voice of the Gods), it has been transcribed as Gelenoyän (Gods' Voice), a somewhat more elegant form.

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