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Video clip, lyrics video, interview

A look behind the scenes of an idyllic week recording in the French Prealps. Archie flew over to France to visit Willdric with Alicja Giordana, to work on the final stages of Fairyland’s upcoming release

Heralds of the green lands 
( Official video clip )

"Heralds Of The Green Lands" is taken from FAIRYLAND's album "Osyrhianta" - out on May 22, 2020 via Massacre Records Produced by Benoit Galera / Mediart Design Artistic Direction : Fairyland Directed by Benoit 

Doryan the enlightened ( Live 2003 )

First live video filmed in Mai 30th 2003 Paris Elysée Montmartre

Hubris et orbis ( Lyrics video )

"Hubris Et Orbis" is taken from FAIRYLAND's new album "Osyrhianta" - out on May 22, 2020 
Video created by David Provan /

The resting place of Philippe Giordana

The band took a special trip to Fairyland holy ground with Alicja, the wife of Philippe Giordana.

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